This is the continuing story of my adventures in horse ownership. I've got 2.5 horses and hoping for more, just don't tell my husband!
Monday, January 30, 2006
So much mud!
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Saturday Trail Ride
I had my friend, Stephanie, the barn manager for the Minnetonka barn (for We Can Ride), out to ride with me on Saturday. We decided to go for western saddles since we wanted to go up the road a bit for some site seeing. The pasture was pretty gross to begin with and I'm tired of riding around in circles. The road was actually a good choice. It was wet but not icy and it wasn't all rocky like it is in the summer so the boys didn't have to tip-toe. We went down the dead end road until we spotted that dog that had chased me before. That was our cue to turn around and go down a different road. It's not a busy road by any means but the one SUV that did go past us (twice) didn't even bother to slow down, he just sped by waving. Some people are very rude. Cody was having some issues at that point but they weren't due to the being scared of the car. He was fussing with his bit and cranky that we weren't heading back to the barn, I wonder if maybe his bit is pinching him, it almost looks a bit too small. So we did a little dance in the ditch while the car passed. A few feet from where the pavement starts cody decided there was something scary and he wouldn't go any further. So we decided that was a good time to turn around anyways. Since the road was so nice we decided to go for a little canter on the way back. Cody was pretty excited but he collected pretty nice when I asked for it. Axel was feeling his oats and took this opportunity for a little buck. Steph said he picked up the canter right away and even went on the lead she requested, might have been a fluke but that's ok. We made it back to the barn right before it started raining and spent a little time cleaning out the barn and under the overhang. We also took Beau's rug off and brushed him a bit as well. So all in all, it was a good day.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Windy Thursday
So after all the excitement of the wind died down the fun began... I think they call this, pass the stick.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Gorgeous day today
Right before I left I put out the Jollyball to see if anyone wanted to play. Actually everyone took their turn carrying it around a bit. Cody seemed to like it the most this time. It's supposed to be nice again tomorrow so I'll probably go out again and see what kind of damage I can do with lunging. :>
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Happy Birthday, Rusty!
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Axel meets his match
I had Tricia out for a ride after conditioning Saturday afternoon. It was nice and sunny out and a great day to ride. Tricia rode Axel bareback and I put the english saddle on Cody. Tricia began the ride by vaulting up on Axel. Then she took him around a couple trees in figure 8s until she got him to bend with the turns, something he usually just doesn't do. She said he was a completely different horse than he was the first time she rode way back in the beginning. Cody couldn't figure out the reasoning behind doing figure 8s, when we'd get half way around a tree he could see Axel coming around the other side so he'd take the easy way around. I think he thought the point was to keep his eye on Axel the whole time. I probably should have pushed Cody a little harder to listen to me but just staying out in the pasture and not trying to get back to his herd was some good practice for us. We took a few laps around the front pasture in both directions. Tricia kept fighting with Axel when we'd pass the one corner that would take them back to the paddock until he finally gave in and would listen to her. She had him do some trotting circles in the middle of the pasture as well and he really started to collect. He's got a really smooth trot, but of course she could probably sit even the bumpiest trot. So Tricia thinks if we keep working on Axel he could make a pretty darn nice horse. Maybe it's not so far fetched that some day we'll get Axel to jump or something. She's probably going to come out every other Saturday after conditioning the therapeutic horses with me.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
A weekday visit
Monday, January 09, 2006
A winter ride
Jeff and I went out to the barn on Saturday to do a little riding. It was actually pretty sunny and nice out for once. We put Beau in the barn for his little personal hay buffet and we took off his rug and brushed him a bit. He's looking pretty good as far as I can tell, I don't think he's lost any weight. We left Beau in the barn and groomed Cody and Axel. The boys are getting very good at picking up their feet for me, I'm so happy about that. I imagine the farrier will be happy as well. We decided to just go for a bareback ride in the front pasture. Getting on Cody bareback is quite a bit easier than getting on Axel. I looked away for one second and Jeff was already on Axel. I think he got on from the fence, which I always have trouble doing because he swings his rear end out. It looked like he stood pretty good and didn't walk away. I used the mounting block and hopped up on Cody and we were off into the pasture. Cody was still pretty reluctant as none of the other horses were coming with us. We made it around the pasture twice, only a little discussion about who was the boss. Atleast I know one way of keeping Jeff and Axel at the walk, take away their saddle! Hopefully I can get Cody out a couple times a month for the rest of the winter so he stays sound for some spring riding and learns that even if he leaves the group for a little ride they will be there when he gets back.
It's supposed to be pretty warm tomorrow so I will go out again and visit the boys and maybe work on some Parelli or something with them. Tonight I have my first Teaching Assistant class for WCR. My own riding lessons tomorrow night. Horse training on Thursday, and winter conditioning on Saturday. I'm also thinking of signing up for this workshop that the U of MN is offering in February on various topics for horse owners.
It's supposed to be pretty warm tomorrow so I will go out again and visit the boys and maybe work on some Parelli or something with them. Tonight I have my first Teaching Assistant class for WCR. My own riding lessons tomorrow night. Horse training on Thursday, and winter conditioning on Saturday. I'm also thinking of signing up for this workshop that the U of MN is offering in February on various topics for horse owners.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Where is the sun?
When I was done grooming I decided to jump on Axel for a quick spin around the pasture. He tries to pretend he doesn't see me coming with his bridle but I know better. It took us a couple tries to stand still well enough for me to mount from the block. Part of the problem was Corey trying to get Axel to move away, once Corey got bored of that then things went ok. Axel wasn't completely into the ride but we made it around the pasture in once piece. He's so funny, I cue him for a turn and he turns 90 degrees. He doesn't quite bend, he just stops and turns. Silly boy. Hopefully Tricia will come out and ride with me on Sunday morning and maybe she can offer some tips to get him to move a little more smoothly.
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