Sept. 5thSo the Wednesday before the
We Can Ride trail ride fund raiser Tricia brought Oly and Cinder over along with her niece so we could all go for a ride. I rode Kiko to give her a try with a less experienced rider and Jeff rode Kalani. I think Steph rode Corey but I can't recall at this point. All was going well until we got down to the bridge. Kiko was throwing a fit because she didn't get to go over the bridge first. Lexi and Cinder rode across the bridge after Tricia. Just as Cinder got to the end of the bridge he started heading towards the edge. He misstepped off the bridge into the ditch scraping his leg on the way, Lexi bailed off, and Cinder scrambled to get up the ditch. As he scrambled he farted and scared Oly who in turn tried to kick Lexi in the head. Luckily Tricia had dismounted already and spun him out of the way and Lexi made it out unscathed but a little shook up. The rest of the ride went alright. Kalani behaved wonderfully and Kiko was just a little worked up. She's definitely a different ride than I'm used to.
Sept. 9th
So the following Sunday we all met up at the ranch to load horses and head down the road for the trail ride. We recruited Anne to ride Cinder and Jenny to ride Corey and Steph's dad to ride Axel. So it was a big group. Naturally none of the horses wanted to load and it took quite a while to get everyone situated in a trailer. When we finally got everyone in we zipped down to the trail 5 miles done the road. Everyone unloaded and Cody was left for last. I was backing him out of the trailer when one of the other horses whinnied and Cody had a fit. He decided he needed to be out of the trailer as fast as possible and took my hand with him. I almost always wear gloves but for some reason I wasn't that day. Cody ended up spraining my middle finger and ripping the fingernail nearly all the way off. I managed to keep a hold of Cody but I was bleeding all over the place. So the rest of the day I went around with my finger wrapped in blue vet wrap.

So after the excitement of ripping my finger off died down we went on our merry ways for the trail ride. We ended up in a fairly large group of horses that included ours and Tricia's friend's horses. There were some minor issues between horses but nothing we couldn't deal with and everyone settled in pretty easily. At one point Kalani decided he needed to shake and shook the saddle right off him. Tom ended up on the ground and the saddle was hanging off the side of the horse as he scurried around trying to figure out what is going on. We caught Kalani and got everyone all situated again and everything was fine. I guess that's the trouble with horses that don't have withers. Not a problem I have to deal with on Cody or Axel. We ended up riding quite a ways when Steph decided she'd head back with Kiko, Kalani, and Axel. The rest of us went for a gallop up the sand hill. Cody can really move when he's allowed. I was also surprised he didn't totally freak out about being left with just Corey and some other horses he didn't really know. I refrained from trying to get him to jump over a log, though it would have been fun. The ride back was quick as Cody wouldn't walk. He should have been exhausted at this point but he would not slow down so we let them canter for a while. When Cinder tried to get up past us I put the reins forward a bit and Cody just stretched out his canter. It was so nice. I could have let him canter the whole way back but then we would have probably had to pick him up to put him in the trailer. We had the usual loading issues on the way home, maybe slightly calmer than before but some of the horses still put up a bit of a fight. It seems like no matter how awesome they do when we practice, they decided on the trail ride to forget how to load. When I win the lottery I'm buying a nice big gooseneck trailer. Maybe they'll load into that easier!
Sept. 19th
So after the wedding Jeff and I went down to Mexico for our honeymoon. We arranged a trail ride that included riding on the beach and in the ocean. The horses were pretty old and you could pay extra to gallop on the beach but we opted to not do that. The trail ride itself was pretty spendy to begin with. My horse was named John Deere and Jeff's was Colonel Sanders. We rode through the jungle for a while and along the beach. When it was time to ride in the ocean they just untacked a couple horses and we took turns as couples riding into the ocean. They insisted upon leading the woman's horse into the water though I think the men needed more help. It was a pretty good time. Though not the same as galloping around and taking your own horse into the water.
Sept. 26thFinally last week we stopped by WCR to take a look at the fence issue and then met Tricia out at the ranch. She had Oly there early and was working him in the round pen. He had stepped on his reins and ripped his face up and broke his bridle so he was looking pretty spiffy at that point. But he wasn't really fazed by it so I tacked up Axel and she and I headed out back for a bit while Jeff hung out and waited. We had a decent ride. Axel was his usual slow self. Though we did have a nice canter through the woods with no bucking. It started raining on the way back but even rain doesn't speed up Axel. We left Oly in the barn while we went to the bar and waited for the rain to die down. Tom was a little surprised to see an extra horse when he got home.