We did hook him up to the sleigh to see if we could figure out what was wrong with it. He pulled it alright when it was empty but with people in it really scraped the gravel. Back to the drawing board on that one. Our next plan is to hook Axel up and have Tricia skijor behind him since she always has her skis with her. We just have to wait for some more snow on the road or a nice freezing rain.
This is the continuing story of my adventures in horse ownership. I've got 2.5 horses and hoping for more, just don't tell my husband!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Rocket the wonder pony!
We did hook him up to the sleigh to see if we could figure out what was wrong with it. He pulled it alright when it was empty but with people in it really scraped the gravel. Back to the drawing board on that one. Our next plan is to hook Axel up and have Tricia skijor behind him since she always has her skis with her. We just have to wait for some more snow on the road or a nice freezing rain.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Work in the barn
Monday, December 17, 2007
So it was in the 20s yesterday and didn't seem too windy so it was off to the barn. I couldn't decide what I wanted to accomplish but I thought at the very least I wanted to see how the herd was doing since Corey left the week prior. Now we're down to a 4 horse herd. I wonder if the remaining horses worry about why their herd mates have disappeared and if they're next or if they just don't think that way. I'm hoping they just don't think that way.
Things were pretty mellow when I pulled up, but that's not unusual for a mid winter day. I decided I was just going to do a tiny bit of ground work with Cody to see where he was at and then turn them out into the side pasture for some play time before I left. Cody lunged as well as usual. Drat though I do keep forgetting to pay attention to where his ears are. But he followed directions well so he must have been paying me a little attention at least. I don't have a surcingle yet and I was too lazy to get out a saddle to long line with so I just stood behind him with the lead rope to see if he'd "walk on" with me behind him. He was a bit confused but moved forward. So I think that's our next step, ground driving. I think if I can get him ground driving in and out of the barn the trailer loading should be a snap.
The snow was really crispy so playtime was a little more subdued than usual but there was a fair share of silliness going around. At one point Kiko kicked out at Cody like she tends to do in this situation. Usually Cody reacts much like the photo there. But this time he just went after her. Bit at her and chased her around the trees. My initial reaction is that Cody is competing to win the place of herd boss like I thought he would. Maybe Kiko is giving him a run for his money. She doesn't seem to care about that though, since she's the only mare she's more or less in charge of the herd in her own mind anyway. It will be interesting to see the changes in the coming weeks.
After all the fun at Tom's I ran over to Tricia's in-laws farm to help her with the pony. She has a mini/Shetland who's about 5 years old that the kids have been riding. She taught him to ground drive a few years back to start his training and she decided to teach him to pull. So we drove him around with big PVC pipes wacking at his sides with pretty much no reaction on his part. So we hooked up a kid's sled to his saddle (no harness yet to fit him) and we were going to have him pull that with a bit of weight in it to see how he did. He really didn't care about the sled and at the trot we lost our weight so as we approached a snowy field Tricia got in the sled and handed the reins over to me. Rocket pulled away like he'd been doing it for years. He trotted and cantered and only looked at us like we were insane a few times. I got way more exercise running next to him with the reins than I had planned. We swapped and I rode in the sled. Then we swapped back and Tricia took the reins while sitting in the sled. So Rocket passed his tests with flying colors. Children around the neighborhood will rejoice as they get pulled around by Rocket the pony. Believe it or not, that little pony didn't even break a sweat.
So after that we grabbed Oly and Cinder and jumped on (not very gracefully) bareback for a quick ride. Cinder has quite the vertical trot being the Arab he is so I was a little on edge, but we made it out okay. And despite the wind and cold that picked up on our way back both my ears are still attached to my head. So at least I got a little riding in and believe me, I was working on some of that visualization techniques from the Centered Riding book in order to remain on Cinder's back.
I think we should teach Axel to pull a sleigh. He'd look so cute with some jingle bells.
Things were pretty mellow when I pulled up, but that's not unusual for a mid winter day. I decided I was just going to do a tiny bit of ground work with Cody to see where he was at and then turn them out into the side pasture for some play time before I left. Cody lunged as well as usual. Drat though I do keep forgetting to pay attention to where his ears are. But he followed directions well so he must have been paying me a little attention at least. I don't have a surcingle yet and I was too lazy to get out a saddle to long line with so I just stood behind him with the lead rope to see if he'd "walk on" with me behind him. He was a bit confused but moved forward. So I think that's our next step, ground driving. I think if I can get him ground driving in and out of the barn the trailer loading should be a snap.
After all the fun at Tom's I ran over to Tricia's in-laws farm to help her with the pony. She has a mini/Shetland who's about 5 years old that the kids have been riding. She taught him to ground drive a few years back to start his training and she decided to teach him to pull. So we drove him around with big PVC pipes wacking at his sides with pretty much no reaction on his part. So we hooked up a kid's sled to his saddle (no harness yet to fit him) and we were going to have him pull that with a bit of weight in it to see how he did. He really didn't care about the sled and at the trot we lost our weight so as we approached a snowy field Tricia got in the sled and handed the reins over to me. Rocket pulled away like he'd been doing it for years. He trotted and cantered and only looked at us like we were insane a few times. I got way more exercise running next to him with the reins than I had planned. We swapped and I rode in the sled. Then we swapped back and Tricia took the reins while sitting in the sled. So Rocket passed his tests with flying colors. Children around the neighborhood will rejoice as they get pulled around by Rocket the pony. Believe it or not, that little pony didn't even break a sweat.
So after that we grabbed Oly and Cinder and jumped on (not very gracefully) bareback for a quick ride. Cinder has quite the vertical trot being the Arab he is so I was a little on edge, but we made it out okay. And despite the wind and cold that picked up on our way back both my ears are still attached to my head. So at least I got a little riding in and believe me, I was working on some of that visualization techniques from the Centered Riding book in order to remain on Cinder's back.
I think we should teach Axel to pull a sleigh. He'd look so cute with some jingle bells.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Sunday in the Snow
December 9, 2007
Sunday we put on all of our long undies and went out to the barn so Jeff could play with his new camera. We let the horses out in the side pasture for the first time which is always entertaining. They run around like fools, kicking up their heels. Then they went on to digging in the snow looking for grass to graze.
I tacked up Axel and took him for a spin in the snow. He was less than enthused about that idea. He just wanted to hang out with the "guys." We had a few minor words about moving but being as I stayed on his back I think I won. We did end up our kind of helter-skelter ride by doing some serpentines at the walk. He's pretty good at those and I need the practice using my seat aids for bending and turning.
I turned out Axel and grabbed Cody for some quick ground work. I'm trying to keep that up every time I visit, just for a few minutes at least. Cody did pretty well, he's definitely retaining the lunging lessons. I've got some notes jotted down for things to do with him to make things a little different and keep it interesting. I'm excited to work with him every day for a month when I'm out there house/horse/cat sitting. Ooo cat time, I totally forgot about that, what fun! Plus I think I'm going to start riding Cody more than Axel. Axel's knee is sore and he's just so slow that it's really difficult for me to improve my riding or see improvement in him. I might do a few lessons on Tricia's horse and then start riding Cody weekly. I'm hoping by spring Cody will be ready to jump in that trailer and head for the trails every time we go. I'm aiming for the Gary cattle drive as well. I still do want to do a dressage schooling show. I wanted to do it with Axel but we'll see.
I tacked up Axel and took him for a spin in the snow. He was less than enthused about that idea. He just wanted to hang out with the "guys." We had a few minor words about moving but being as I stayed on his back I think I won. We did end up our kind of helter-skelter ride by doing some serpentines at the walk. He's pretty good at those and I need the practice using my seat aids for bending and turning.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
November 28, 2007
Last week the girls gave me a hard time for wanting to go out to the barn. I say I wasn't forcing either of them, they are big girls! Anyway, Tricia trailered Oly over to ride. My black stirrup leathers finally arrived so I put those on my saddle. And I decided to try out my new bridle. Unfortunately it is a bit small so I'm not sure what I'm going to do about that. By the time we had the horses tacked up it was already mostly dark. And the wind picked up, a lot. We figured it would be less windy if we went down the back hill and rode down there. It was slightly less windy and a lot more dark by the time we got down there. Axel and I stumbled around for a while. He kept flipping his head since the bridle was too small, the brow band was the worst followed by the nose band. His head is just a bit too big for a regular bridle but probably too small for a draft size. He needs horse and a half or something. So Tricia and Oly and Steph and Kalani wandered around a bit as well before we decided we were cold and it was time to go back up. Sadly I couldn't tell if there were any changes in Axel since it was dark, the ground was full of holes so he kept tripping, and it was too cold to really do much. We fed as usual and when Cody was done eating I did a tiny bit of lunging with him just to remind him of the whole respect thing.
December 5, 2007
This week Tricia ran into some possum issues at her place so she wasn't able to make it out. Steph didn't sound terribly interested but she came out anyway. I wanted to get a hair sample of Cody's mane for a gal I ran across online that's doing a research project on lethal white overo. I groomed him and pulled some hair off him and then lunged him in the round pen for a while. He did pretty good so I tried free lunging him for a while. He did really well in one direction but wouldn't turn into the circle in the other direction without the lead rope. He turned fine to the inside in the one direction so I assume it was just a side favoring issue and not really a respect issue.
After that I groomed up Axel and Steph brought in Corey. We jumped on bareback with just halters and lead ropes and cruised around the round pen for a while. Axel felt pretty good but once again it's hard to tell without having the space to really move out. Maybe we'll get a chance this weekend. We pulled up all the ground poles from the round pen so they won't get frozen to the ground in our way, fed everyone, and went on our way .. to the bar.
Corey is going to WCR this weekend so things are going to be interesting next week. I'll have to make sure to keep up the ground work with Cody because he's the likely horse to step up to herd boss and that could have some adverse affects on his attitude. I guess we'll see.
When I left work it was 14F. When I got to the barn it was 4F. When we left after riding it was -4F and when I got home it was -10F. But that -4F felt more like 10F because it was not windy at all. Hopefully Sunday will be nice enough, Jeff wants to come with and try out his new camera.
Last week the girls gave me a hard time for wanting to go out to the barn. I say I wasn't forcing either of them, they are big girls! Anyway, Tricia trailered Oly over to ride. My black stirrup leathers finally arrived so I put those on my saddle. And I decided to try out my new bridle. Unfortunately it is a bit small so I'm not sure what I'm going to do about that. By the time we had the horses tacked up it was already mostly dark. And the wind picked up, a lot. We figured it would be less windy if we went down the back hill and rode down there. It was slightly less windy and a lot more dark by the time we got down there. Axel and I stumbled around for a while. He kept flipping his head since the bridle was too small, the brow band was the worst followed by the nose band. His head is just a bit too big for a regular bridle but probably too small for a draft size. He needs horse and a half or something. So Tricia and Oly and Steph and Kalani wandered around a bit as well before we decided we were cold and it was time to go back up. Sadly I couldn't tell if there were any changes in Axel since it was dark, the ground was full of holes so he kept tripping, and it was too cold to really do much. We fed as usual and when Cody was done eating I did a tiny bit of lunging with him just to remind him of the whole respect thing.
December 5, 2007
This week Tricia ran into some possum issues at her place so she wasn't able to make it out. Steph didn't sound terribly interested but she came out anyway. I wanted to get a hair sample of Cody's mane for a gal I ran across online that's doing a research project on lethal white overo. I groomed him and pulled some hair off him and then lunged him in the round pen for a while. He did pretty good so I tried free lunging him for a while. He did really well in one direction but wouldn't turn into the circle in the other direction without the lead rope. He turned fine to the inside in the one direction so I assume it was just a side favoring issue and not really a respect issue.
After that I groomed up Axel and Steph brought in Corey. We jumped on bareback with just halters and lead ropes and cruised around the round pen for a while. Axel felt pretty good but once again it's hard to tell without having the space to really move out. Maybe we'll get a chance this weekend. We pulled up all the ground poles from the round pen so they won't get frozen to the ground in our way, fed everyone, and went on our way .. to the bar.
Corey is going to WCR this weekend so things are going to be interesting next week. I'll have to make sure to keep up the ground work with Cody because he's the likely horse to step up to herd boss and that could have some adverse affects on his attitude. I guess we'll see.
When I left work it was 14F. When I got to the barn it was 4F. When we left after riding it was -4F and when I got home it was -10F. But that -4F felt more like 10F because it was not windy at all. Hopefully Sunday will be nice enough, Jeff wants to come with and try out his new camera.
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