Monday, February 28, 2011

Still Long Lining

Fuzzy Cody

Made it out to the barn on Sunday to check on the boys. Shedding is in full force. Axel laid down to roll in the arena and left a black imprint from all the hair. Both the boys ran around the arena a bit and Cody rolled. I wanted Axel to have a chance to roll without getting chased off by Cody so I tied him up in the arena. I groomed while Axel finally got a chance to get down on the ground. I don't know for sure but I don't think Cody was sweaty before I tied him up. He was tied for maybe 5 minutes, in the arena, where he could see Axel, and he still broke out in the sweats. That horse, what a nervous Nancy!

I left Axel in the arena while I took Cody back out to the pasture. When I came back into the barn Axel had figured out how to turn on the radio. Clearly this horse needs more work. So I suited him up to ground drive. He actually does pretty well with the driving, listens to voice commands pretty well and he's getting better at steering without leg. He still yanks on the reins though but I *think* it took longer before he started yanking this time. I'll have to get some ground poles and cones out next time to make it a bit more interesting. I should also start cantering him on the long lines but one step at a time I suppose.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Back on the Long Lines

Axel and his make shift long lining getup.

I was determined to do some work last night since it's been forever since I've gotten anything productive done at the barn. I grabbed Axel and cleaned him up the best I could. He apparently laid down at some point as well as ran through something sloppy that was splattered all over his opposite side. I outfitted him with a saddle pad, the training surcingle (on the last holes, fatty), an ace bandage to keep the surcingle from spinning, and bell boots on all his feet. Once we got past the "OMG I can't walk with these things on my feet" I put him in the arena and let him move out a bit just to get used to the boots. On his own accord he trotted around a few circles at a very forward and almost sound gait. Go Axel. When he finally stopped I put his bridle on and hooked up the long lines and set to work. He moved out well at the walk in both directions and did a decent job at a figure 8 to switch directions. About that time Steele came into the arena with his owner so Axel really wanted to go pester them. It was a bit more work to keep him focused but we did okay in the long run. Several more circles and a few more changes of direction later he was getting pretty fed up with me and started yanking on the reins. All I have to say is thank god I was on the ground, had I been on his back I would have had my arms pulled out of the sockets by his yanking. Maybe if we do enough long lining he'll get over that before someone rides him again. It's an old habit that we had broken when he was working every week but apparently boredom brings it back.

Following the long lining I walked him down the road to the neighbor's mail box just to get him out. He was moving forward and well and seemed pretty content being out and about. I happened to be positioned at his shoulder so when I moved up to his head (whether it had to do with my positioning or the fact we were further from the barn at that point) he started in with his head flips and almost-crow-hops. I corrected him a couple times and he settled down. He had done that last year when I was hand walking him to get him back into shape after being off so long, I'm guessing it's just the usual extra energy.

Incidentally the bell boots on the front were an attempt to get him to pick up his feet a bit more but it didn't really have the affect I was after. He actually tripped on the driveway while I was watching, basically just didn't pick up that right front and skidded his toe on the ground. Maybe I could try some chains like they use on Saddlebreds. Maybe the jingly feeling will make him pick up his feet more. I know he hates SMBs, I could try those but that might just be flailing rather than picking up his feet.

When we got back to the barn Steele was done playing so I turned Axel loose to let him roll or whatever while I put some stuff away. He didn't seem interested in rolling at all so I thought I'd see if I could coax him into moving a bit more. I won't be out to the barn for a while and figured he needed a little more time to stretch his legs. I hardly had the whip off the wall when he bucked and took off. Apparently he was ready and was just looking for an excuse to run, without Cody there to help him. So he cantered both directions, bucked, and tried to convince me to play with him (sorry guy, I can't play that way with a 1200lb animal). I always love his posture when he's done cruising around like that. You almost can't see his pregnant belly and he stands up nice and tall. He was a little damp on his chest but not steaming at all and apparently did not want to roll. I had a lasagna in the oven I had to get back to so I out to the pasture he went.

Fuzzy cody waits for dinner

I said "hi" to Cody before I left and noticed it's been a few days since they've had a round bale. Not sure if they're done with round bales now for the winter but it'll be interesting to see if Axel's swelling clears up before the snow or not. Cody's swelling seems to have gone away completely, so there might be something to the whole exercise thing. I think I just can't keep up with the rate Axel eats. Maybe if someone was riding him daily we could affect the swelling with movement.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Finally Warm

Axel is chubby and shedding like mad.

It was finally warm enough last night that I drug all my various tools out to clean up Axel's legs. (It just struck me as funny thinking of how many hits my photos will get from people searching for "shaved legs"). So after grooming a huge pile of hair off of Axel I set to work on his back legs. I shaved them (as best I could, I don't think the clippers were charged as much as I thought), then I scrubbed them with warm water and a Norwex cloth, then I scrubbed in some Chlorhexidine. So he's looking a little naked on the back end but hopefully it will help kill some leftover mud fever and if I can keep it at bay I will be able to cover him in some Zinc Oxide before the mud hits and try and keep him a little cleaner this year. He was actually being very well behaved while I did all this, barely moved a muscle. Though when I went to put him back outside he held his foot up as high as it would good, that short wet hair must be so heavy you know!

Freshly shaved back legs

It was still light out and warm so I decided to take Cody down the road a bit. I figured it can't hurt at the very least and it's good exercise for me, right? So we went east at a decent speed, we got almost to the neighbors mailbox (which is about 400 feet according to google maps). He had a few moments where he sped up to try and get in front of me but he reacted beautifully to a verbal command of "easy." He even turned around calmly when I asked. He was definitely on a bit more of a mission going west toward the barn but nothing excessive. A very noisy bus started to approach us at one point and he was mildly concerned with it (pretty sure he was just formulating how he could use the bus as a reason to bolt). I asked him to stop a few times to keep his attention and the bus passed and all was well. He did get a little jiggy at that point so I asked him to circle. Unfortunately he was in a soft spot and slipped so he recovered by bucking and circling as fast as possible. After a couple circles he settled down so we walked on. We went another 400 feet past the driveway to the west with success and turned around and went past the drive way again. I think we went one or two more times past the drive way before I asked him to stop at the drive facing away and then turned him in the opposite direction he preferred before we headed in.

I put him on the lunge line in the barn to work on some cantering and get it in his head that going to the barn isn't always the best option in life. He's still disuniting like N pointed out but it's so hard to see with all those white feet! He's decided that "good boy" means stop so we tried to work through that a bit as well. His chest was a little damp when we finished so I groomed him in the aisle for a bit before putting him out. That reminds me to get out some Velcro and make up some sort of fleece neck cooler for him since that seems to be where he sweats most and it's hard to keep the regular coolers in that spot.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Cody's Report

Ahh finally a gorgeous weekend. Wish I would have been able to get out and enjoy it on the back of a horse! Luckily for Cody, N was able to make it out and ride. She took him out on the road for the first time this year and he was not a perfect calm trail horse. But I wasn't expecting that. I was *hoping* he'd be super good for her but alas that was not the case. Sounds like it was a slow ride out and a fast ride home. She had him do a lot of circles and passed the driveway back and forth several times. I guess he did a lot of jigging but it doesn't sound like he tried to kill her or anything so that's good. Maybe after a few times he'll settle down. He's still cross cantering and doesn't like to pick up the left lead canter.

So Mr. Cody needs to do some more work. Ideally I'd ground drive him more (and Axel) and lunge him more at the canter. I also have an exercise that's supposed to help his canter leads but N would have to work on that one under saddle.

I just hope he can settle in by Summer so when I'm feeling back to riding again we can do some trail rides. Well I suppose we have to finish the trailer first ;)

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Farrier Visit

Well the good news is that the next time the farrier comes out it will be a lot warmer. We always end up with one appointment on what seems like the coldest day of the year. I broke out the full carhart overalls and jacket this time. Both boys got trimmed up. Cody still has that small crack/chip we keep trying to work out but it cracks just enough that it's never completely gone. Doesn't bother him and it was just a crack this time not a full on chip. Axel behaved as best as he could and only complained about his knee for a few minutes. That was about it, I hung out and chatted while the other horses had their feet done. It's been a while since I've been to the barn when other people were around, too bad it was freezing out.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Playing with the Neighbors

Axel posed like this for a while. Must have thought I had treats.

I unfortunately thought I had less time than I really did when I went to the barn on Saturday. So instead of long lining Axel I just groomed him and let Cody and him run around a bit. I did get in a much better grooming session than Axel's had most the winter. Still haven't gotten around to washing and shaving his legs. The scabs on his legs right now are flakey and white and don't seem to be the usual scabby scabs. I scraped as much off as I could with the shedding blade so now he looks like he has mange or something. I think if I can keep them cleaned up this winter and get a chance to wash and shave before spring I might be able to fend off some of the mud fever that's bound to happen. I'd really like to get his legs clean enough to put a nice thick layer of desitin on there and block the nasty stuff but only if I can be sure his legs are clean first. I might be able to get away with just using MTG on Cody's legs. But alas, Axel is definitely shedding. He spent most of his time in the arena looking for a place to roll and thinking really hard about it but I guess he couldn't quite muster up the fortitude to get down on those knees this time around. Cody, of course, had no issues. They ran around a little but nothing too exciting to report.

I tied Cody and brought Axel out to the pasture. Before I could ask him to step out of the door he came running full speed at me through the tack room and outside and then stood there looking around. I walked him down to the gate where he proceeded to jump into a huge pile of snow and bounce around and buck at the other end of my lead rope. He then froze in place with his tail straight up in the air. This is when the 16hh horse seems a bit more like 18hh than the lazy 15hh he usually feels like. I put him in the pasture and waited for a minute to see what the deal was. Turns out the boys in the paddock next door were having a good run. Axel took off running toward them, up and down the fence line, bucking. Of course I didn't get a video of any of this. I should really just get a helmet cam and keep it running all the time when I'm out there, just in case something exciting happens.

Cody was much calmer exiting the barn than Axel. I decided to help things along with the transition into nicer weather and trips down the road that we'd take a walk down the driveway just to start getting used to it. He's usually much better on the ground than under saddle so it was no surprise that he walked down the driveway at a normal pace. Though he spent his time making eyes and arching his neck and the lady horses in the pasture on the other side of the driveway. We didn't tempt fate by leaving the driveway but we'll get there. I don't know that it helps much to hand walk him on the road but I figure it can't hurt. You'd think he'd eventually get a clue, we've been at this barn now for over 2 years. Silly horses.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Windy Day

Holy wind tonight. Horses are braving the cold for some hay as usual.

So I didn't work Axel like I'd planned. But! I at least made it out to the barn last night. It was so windy and cold the boys were huddled in the lean-to hiding. I brought Axel in and Cody looked like he really wanted to be inside as well so I just put them both in the arena. They did the usual bucking and running to a slightly more hyper level than normal, the wind was blowing the snow off the roof so there was a lot of snorting going around. I brushed both horses the best I could while they wandered around. Axel is shedding, already. I know this usually starts in February but seriously, February 1st? That seems a little early. Hopefully it'll warm up soon so we can groom outside and not have to clean up all the hair.

It sounds like Cody did well over the weekend with N. It was good weather and they had a nice time in the arena, WTC and all that. She was asking about going down the road when it's nicer out. I just hope Cody is better behaved for her than he has been for me in past springs.