So we think it all started mid-late summer. Cody is always kind of tender footed that's why we put hoof boots on him when we ride anywhere that isn't the arena. But it started to get to the point where he couldn't even walk from the pasture to the barn without looking like he was going to fall over in pain. A few other horses were having some foot issues around the same time so we chalked it up to the weather and the ground hardness. So we put some shoes on him and he got a little better. But he was never quite right after that. We pulled the shoes at the beginning of November and he remained not quite right. We gave him some time off and evaluated him again. He was hard to figure out. He'd go from lame, to sore, to lazy all in a few minutes and we couldn't ever really tell which leg was bothering him. It was kind of vague and hard to pinpoint. So he had a little more time off. I was out there last week and he was worse than before so I called the vet and put some boots on him.
The vet made it out the next afternoon and by then he'd been in the boots for 24 hours and was looking quite a bit better. He did test sore with the hoof testers on the sole of his foot. But judging how tender he usually is that alone wasn't really indicative of anything specific. He was also reactive to concussion on the hoof wall which the vet said could indicate laminitis. He figured it was a pretty mild case and we couldn't really determine why. He was off sweet feed already, he's not a fat horse, so it pretty much leaves something like "road founder" from hard ground, maybe from stomping flies. Might just be one of those things. He had a similar issue several years ago, a round of bute and shoes fixed it up at the time.
So Cody is on 2g of bute a day for 7 days to reduce any inflammation. And the vet recommended pink foam insulation duct taped to his feet. The alternatives being special boots ($190) with special orthotics ($90), or corrective shoeing. We figured trying the insulation was the cheapest route and he had the best luck with it apparently.
Instead of using just the duct tape I figured we'd put the foam in his boots, I thought that would keep it on a lot better than just tape. So he's had 5 doses of bute and has been wearing his boots with the foam in it. And he seems like he's feeling pretty good these days. They put a different horse in the pen with them this weekend and I guess there was a lot of running around and Cody looked like he was feeling just fine.
So the bute will be done tomorrow and Cody will be happy for that. He's not a big fan of how the bute tastes. Surprisingly he's been pretty decent about it though. He yanks his head up about 4-5 times and then he just stands there and lets me put it into the corner of his mouth. So in the grand scheme that's not too horrible if you ask me. He has been "running" away from me now though, really just walking away when he sees me coming. I think that'll stop when I stop making he eat gross tasting medicine. I'll have to make sure to give him some treats when I go out there for a while after the meds are done.
After the week of bute we'll have to see how he does. I'm thinking I give him the rest of the week in the boots with the foam to give the bute a chance to wear off. Then maybe no boots for the weekend and we'll see how he is.
This is the continuing story of my adventures in horse ownership. I've got 2.5 horses and hoping for more, just don't tell my husband!
Monday, December 03, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
More Lame Horses
Cody's been "nqr" (not quite right) for a while now. I was hoping he'd be better after a few weeks off but I was just out to check on him and boo he's not better, in fact he might be worse. So I bit the bullet and called the vet and left a message. I'm hoping he can diagnose without xrays cuz that's wicked crazy expensive (and a different vet has to do it cuz my vet doesn't have an xray machine). Though if it's what I think it is it might only take 1 picture per hoof so that wouldn't be too bad. Merry Christmas Cody!
So anyway it was tough pulling him away from the hay feeder and he would hardly move, kind of parked out rocked back on his heels. It seemed like it was both fronts bothering him. His right front is stocked up but even after cleaning out his hooves and getting him in the arena footing he was favoring both feet. (still willing to roll of course)
His front hooves are warm compared to the backs. Not hot and I can't feel a pulse but they are definitely different than the back ones. So I'm thinking he's foundering or has laminitis or something like that. Last time this happened was the first time I had him shod and he was fixed right away but we had just shoes on him this fall and he still wasn't quite right so it might take some meds for inflammation and maybe special shoeing (usually they put pads on and the shoes on backwards sometimes) and maybe some diet changes.
So we'll see what the vet says. Hopefully he calls back soon and can come out this week still.
I put on his old hoof boots on with the old pastern wraps and I found a scissors and cut down the gel pads and put those in the boots as well. He was walking better with the boots on but still a little gun shy I think.
And they are definitely getting the hang of the hay net. The barn owners picked up one of those big round bale nets to try and slow the pigs down and save on waste and it seems to be doing the trick. I'm secretly hoping the slow in feeding will make Axel's swelling go away, but it's only been two weeks and he's still my big pregnant gelding.
So anyway it was tough pulling him away from the hay feeder and he would hardly move, kind of parked out rocked back on his heels. It seemed like it was both fronts bothering him. His right front is stocked up but even after cleaning out his hooves and getting him in the arena footing he was favoring both feet. (still willing to roll of course)
His front hooves are warm compared to the backs. Not hot and I can't feel a pulse but they are definitely different than the back ones. So I'm thinking he's foundering or has laminitis or something like that. Last time this happened was the first time I had him shod and he was fixed right away but we had just shoes on him this fall and he still wasn't quite right so it might take some meds for inflammation and maybe special shoeing (usually they put pads on and the shoes on backwards sometimes) and maybe some diet changes.
So we'll see what the vet says. Hopefully he calls back soon and can come out this week still.
I put on his old hoof boots on with the old pastern wraps and I found a scissors and cut down the gel pads and put those in the boots as well. He was walking better with the boots on but still a little gun shy I think.
Boy does he look low backed in this photo, someone needs to do some sit ups.
And they are definitely getting the hang of the hay net. The barn owners picked up one of those big round bale nets to try and slow the pigs down and save on waste and it seems to be doing the trick. I'm secretly hoping the slow in feeding will make Axel's swelling go away, but it's only been two weeks and he's still my big pregnant gelding.
Pardon Axel's *ahem*
round bale,
ventral edema
Monday, November 12, 2012
Cowboy Dan
Earlier this year (sometime in the summer), Jeff brought Daniel out to the barn to go for a little ride with me on Cody. Daniel was pretty quiet and content riding around in circles in the arena. And then we went to take him off the horse and he got upset. So I decided since he seemed pretty into it and I teach riding lessons to other people’s kids, why not start Daniel on some short lessons at least until it gets too cold to be in the barn.
So a few weeks ago we started heading out to the barn once a week and letting Daniel ride Axel. Axel has been lame now for a few years due to arthritis but keeping him moving is good for him. He’s been telling me he’s neglected lately by trying to climb in my pocket when I go out to get Cody. Daniel’s not heavy enough to make a difference on Axel’s back. So it seemed like a perfect match.
The first week we just had Daniel ride bareback but Axel’s so huge Daniel could hardly stay in the middle so I grabbed his little saddle for our future visits. The first couple rides Daniel made it for almost 10 minutes but our last few rides he’s only made it about 5 minutes. But considering his age I don’t expect him to have much more of an attention span.
He’s really catching on fast though. He tells Axel “GO” when he wants him to move and he’ll pick up the reins when we tell him to. Usually he holds onto the saddle horn with one hand (don’t worry, we’ll fix that when he gets a little older). Our only issue right now is that when the horse stops Daniel decides that he’s done and tries to get off. So thus some of our lessons are very short.
I usually have him help groom a little before he rides and clip the reins on the halter and we had him sweep the aisle after riding. You gotta learn all the chores not just the fun part ;)
Always Catching Up
Though there's not too much to catch up on. The last couple weeks that Cody had shoes on he was off on his front right. He got better but still was the slightest "not quite right." Shoes got pulled and he's still a tiny bit off. N has ridden bareback in the arena and I rode last week for a few minutes. It's really hard to tell if he's lazy, foot sore, or lame. It's so subtle and it's not every step. So here's hoping whatever it is gets better soon.
Thursday, October 04, 2012
Back on the Road
I finally met up with another boarder for a ride down the road this week.
Our ride started out a little slow. Both Steele and Cody were kind of stop and go because the neighbor had the airplane running getting ready to take off. After that they picked up the speed a little. We went down the drainway between the fields and a little bit in the empty bean field cuz I can't help but ride in an empty bean field, so much flat space. Had a long grass break in the usual spot and then back over to the tree for another grass break. Steele had been giving hints the whole ride that he really wanted to start acting like an idiot and after the tree there was a car parked on the side of the road from some farmers checking crops. He decided to shy at that and then there was no going back. He'd freak out, Cody would freak out, Steele would freak out again, Cody again, they were just feeding off each other. By the time we got to the town hall they were both pretty worked up. Steele even kicked Cody (he had squealed at him a couple times prior). Luckily they calmed down a bit and after one more little burst of exciting Cody was back to a walk even with all the traffic, it was like a main thoroughfare through there today.
I had him give me a left lead canter and a right lead canter in the arena before I called it a day. Left lead took two tries but he did get it fairly easily, of course it was the fastest canter ever. He was a sweaty mess after all the freaking out down the road.
So the ride started out really nice and ended up a little exciting.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Quick ride down the road
Rode out with J and Steele at lunch yesterday. Thank goodness for the wind or we would have been a lot hotter. Cody was quiet sweaty when we were done. He was good as usual. Did quite a bit of trotting to keep up but nothing frantic. He was being a bit of a pain trying to snag grass all the time and we had one moment just as we were getting back to the barn where the wind must have blown up his butt or something cuz he jumped a bit but that was it. I can't believe how bad the flies still are. I suppose this heat isn't going to help matters either.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Welcome to the rodeo
So yeah, that was not the ride I had hoped for. Apparently this was Cody's "hey you, something hurts." I was trying to think if he's ever acted like that before but I don't think he's ever been sore like this. He's been super lame but then it's obvious so I just don't ride.
So I *assume* this is just foot sore still and J said Dolly was super sore too that's why she had shoes put on. And apparently the farrier said that's not the first horse he's had to shoe this summer than he normally doesn't so I think we might be looking at shoes for the rest of the season (which is probably only 1 maybe 2 trims worth). He was his usual ouchy self on the gravel but he walked fine in the arena and I free lunged him for a couple minutes before getting on. He was the tiniest bit "off" like he has been, that sort of are you sore or are you lazy type of deal. Nothing out of the ordinary. When I got on he actually walked out pretty nicely and then I asked for a trot ...
And I got the rodeo canter/buck/freakout. I have to say, he's never done that before. Even when he gets a little wound up in the arena it's still pretty controlled. This was mad angry get off my back Cody. So I finally got him back to a walk (and stayed on, yay). And I thought ok well maybe he just broke in to the canter and I accidentally jabbed him with the spur. So I asked for a trot again, this time holding the reins a little shorter just in case. And away we went into our rodeo show. That time I know I accidentally got him with the spurs after he started to freak out so when he came back to earth I got off and took the spurs off and lunged him with the lunge line for a while. Trot was just ok, he was kind of annoyed about it but didn't freak out. I asked for a canter on the lunge and then he freaked out. So I don't think it was my spurs that started this. I think he was just sore and didn't want to do it. So we trotted for a while on the lunge in both directions and I got back on sans spurs. This time I just walked and he was fine. I didn't want to push my luck so I left it at that and got off.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Down the road
Well Mr Cody was a calm boy as usual with Steele down the road. He's still unhappy about gravel and with the boots on he's fine but does take an off step every once in a while. We have a little under a month until the farrier is back and right now there's nothing to trim (as far as I can tell). Had to track down the fly mask again. Darn horse, the flies are horrible out there, he needs to learn to keep that on. Maybe since the sun isn't as intense these days and he doesn't seem to be getting burnt I'll dig out the other fly mask like Axel's and maybe that will stay on better.
Friday, August 10, 2012
That horse is going to be the death of me, well both of them actually.
So he was a little tender in the drive way but nothing unusual and in the arena he was a tiny bit off but it was one of those things where you can't tell if he's just being lazy or if he really hurts. We trotted and cantered a bit so I think he was just lazy. Worked on some leg yielding from the quarter line to the rail. And I rode with the whip so we worked on just plain moving when asked. When I got off he refused to leave the arena. I finally got him on the cement and he parked out like his feet really hurt. Pretty much like he was several years ago when we had to shoe him. I was able to inch him forward a bit and put his boots on. I figured since he was sound riding and N was coming out later I'd just leave the boots on in the pasture for the day or two. Got half way down the driveway and he parked out again. What the heck horse! So now I'm really starting to worry.
And then he pees.
Dang that horse. So I took his boots off and put him back in the pasture. I tell ya. Anyway he had his fly mask off again, but it was really close this time. He ripped a hole in it though. Still usable. I had thought about leaving that off and taking Axel's off for the day since N was going out soon but the flies were so bad I put Cody's back on and left Axel's on as well.
Thursday, August 02, 2012
Bath time?
Last week I went out for a ride and Cody turned up lame. Well not really lame. Just very sore from his hoof trim. He had a huge chip in his foot from stomping flies so I think the farrier had to trim it back a little further than normal to keep it from cracking so he was a little foot sore even in the arena. I put his boots on and he felt a lot better but still not perfect. I hate making him work in the arena with the boots on though, it seems like he trips a bit in the sand so we stuck to a walk and in the end really didn't do much of anything. But lately, that's how I ride I guess. I did try and pull Cody's mane a bit. I had watched a few videos on how to do it so I decided to try my hand. I don't want his mane super short but I thought maybe if I evened it up a bit it would maybe look a little thicker. It's a little scraggly these days. Unfortunately the thinnest spots I didn't feel like I could pull without making it thinner. This might be a long term project just keeping the stringy bits out and hoping it grows in better.
After jury duty this week I snuck out to the barn for a little while. Cody seemed to be feeling a bit better so I tacked him up and rode in the arena. I'm still hesitant to push him (yes I'm a wimp/softie/pushover) so we worked on a little turn on the haunches (not so great), turn on the forehand (much better), and some leg yeilding (okay to the left, not so good to the right). We did squeak out a frantic left lead canter but between his feet and the heat I didn't want to get him working too hard. He was sweaty before I had even gotten on. When we were finished I hosed him off and turned him out. Of course the first thing he did was roll in the dirt so now he looks like he hasn't been groomed in weeks. I decided Axel needed a little TLC as well so I hosed him off too.
Friday, July 20, 2012
That Axel
N rode Cody last night and I stopped out quick to drop off some new reins and spurs. They went down to the town hall all alone and without major issue. The old boy is coming along.
It was a little warm today so I decided to be lazy and just tend to Axel for a while. That boy is looking good. He's walking completely sound. He's got me formulating all sorts of plans of getting back in the saddle. I suppose it won't hurt to get on and see how he does but I don't want to get my hopes up. I wonder if maybe he had some sort of injury and now he's just finally had enough rest? The xrays didn't show much for injury or arthritis so it was kind of a mystery in the first place. If it was an injury I guess I wouldn't want to make it worse especially if he's coming around. Ug. I'll see how long I can bide my time before I give in and jump on. I so miss riding him.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Hot hot hot
Had another mellow ride down the road with Steele and Cody. Once again Cody had his fly mask off. This new one is tough to get on so he can't remove it for some reason. We went with 4 hoof boots again this ride and it seems like Cody is maybe starting to realize that his feet don't hurt on gravel any more. The first time he was still hesitant to walk on the road but he seemed a little more willing this time around. We made an attempt to go down the drainage ditch but were forced to turn around when the farmer was out spraying. We turned around and trotted out of there while the tractor caught up with us. He was moving fast! So we just went down to the intersection and then headed north for a half mile. These mellow rides are so nice, I just wish we could get out on a trail sometime. We just made it back to the barn as it was really heating up. Might be a while before I get out and ride again if this weather keeps up. Yucko.
Friday, June 29, 2012
A Little Catch Up
June 13:
First time for me and Cody down the road with Steele. It went really well! The secret ingredient is Steele. So at least it's nice to know it wasn't me that was the problem! Hah. He was totally perfect, we went down the road to the drainage ditch and then took that up to the tree line and then over to the other gravel road and back. And it was windy. It's just bizarre how good he is with Steele around.
June 19:
Down the road with Steele again. Cody was a little lazy and really wanted to snack the whole way but that would be the extent of my complaints. He did as good as the last time with Steele. Goofy horse and his BFFs.
June 26:
Another calm ride for Cody and Steele up to the cow past the tree and back (how's that for landmarks). I put the old boots on Cody's back feet. They seem a tiny bit big maybe in width so I don't think a smaller boot would work. Maybe if we put the gel pads in there it'll snug them up a bit. But they stayed on and didn't seem to clunk around too much. While he didn't run and frolick on the gravel he did walk out faster than I've seen him go in a while. He stuck to the edge of the road and I think he was just expecting it to hurt on the gravel. So maybe a few more trips and he'll figure it out. After the airport he caught up with Steele and stayed with him pretty good for most the way. We had a big trot up the road toward the tree, it's funny how the horses know tree = snack in the ditch and possibly turning around, that's why we went up to the cow past the tree. Also Cody somehow snuck out of the fly mask without undoing the velcro. Luckily he must have lost it fairly recently, I found it out by where they stand and it wasn't burried in the mud or anything. Heh.
Lunch with Axel today. He needed some attention. And wow does he look sound. I.will.not.ride.Axel. I keep having to tell myself that. Not riding won't make him worse if he's on the mend. But riding him could make him worse. If he's still coming up sound next spring then I might un-retire him and see how he does. (I'm not holding my breath). Maybe he had an injury and it wasn't just arthritis? Ahh who knows. He definitely has some arthritis in his stifles, he has a heck of a time stretching for the farrier, something we should really be working on.
First time for me and Cody down the road with Steele. It went really well! The secret ingredient is Steele. So at least it's nice to know it wasn't me that was the problem! Hah. He was totally perfect, we went down the road to the drainage ditch and then took that up to the tree line and then over to the other gravel road and back. And it was windy. It's just bizarre how good he is with Steele around.
June 19:
Down the road with Steele again. Cody was a little lazy and really wanted to snack the whole way but that would be the extent of my complaints. He did as good as the last time with Steele. Goofy horse and his BFFs.
June 26:
Another calm ride for Cody and Steele up to the cow past the tree and back (how's that for landmarks). I put the old boots on Cody's back feet. They seem a tiny bit big maybe in width so I don't think a smaller boot would work. Maybe if we put the gel pads in there it'll snug them up a bit. But they stayed on and didn't seem to clunk around too much. While he didn't run and frolick on the gravel he did walk out faster than I've seen him go in a while. He stuck to the edge of the road and I think he was just expecting it to hurt on the gravel. So maybe a few more trips and he'll figure it out. After the airport he caught up with Steele and stayed with him pretty good for most the way. We had a big trot up the road toward the tree, it's funny how the horses know tree = snack in the ditch and possibly turning around, that's why we went up to the cow past the tree. Also Cody somehow snuck out of the fly mask without undoing the velcro. Luckily he must have lost it fairly recently, I found it out by where they stand and it wasn't burried in the mud or anything. Heh.
Thursday, June 07, 2012
Where is Cody's Brain
That was the theme of today's ride. J couldn't get done with work in time so I was left to my own devices. Of course they were all the way out at the far end and no amount of yelling or feeble attempts to whistle could get their attention. I tacked Cody up and decided it was too nice out to ride inside and I was too lazy to open all the arena doors and it was hot in there. So we went out to the drive way ... and he balked right off the bat, started backing into the ditch by Cody2's gate. This was not a good sign. I did get him down the drive way and we went back and forth in front of the drive way a few times before I got a wild hair to go ride in the pasture.
The way the horses were standing in the pasture I had ended up locking Stitch and Steele up by the water and Solo out in the pasture. So the gate was open so that I could ride through. I couldn't get Cody close enough to the gate for the middle pasture so I did have to dismount. I thought maybe he'd be calm with all his buddies around and we could get some work done but he wasn't. So the name of the game was finding Cody's brain. Kind of a good lesson since we were more or less safe in a nice confined area but he was still all coo-coo like he gets when he's on the road alone. I rode straight out to the other end of the pasture and then he actually trotted pretty nicely back ending with a bit of a canter (right lead) and a decent halt. But then he was done with me, trying to turn around, speeding up, generally mad. So we circled, and figure-8ed, and trotted, and halted, and cantered and halted. Mostly we worked on getting our brain back with a halt after freaking out. There was a canter in there that was a little less than controlled and we got to practice a nice one rein stop. It wasn't great overall but it was nice out and I got to "go fast" for a bit.
I rode back up to the barn (cantered up the little hill) and went into the arena for a little try at a left lead. Took us a couple tries but he was worked up about something, kept starting at something in the corner by the gate. Maybe the fan that was running or the fact that Atta Girl and baby were in their stall. Who knows. But we did get a left lead but I think it was more like a spastic gallop than a canter. I kept him going and tried to give him his head and when he almost settled I asked for a halt. He's not too shabby at the halt, no sliding stop but it's ok. I forgot I was going to start counting to 2 before I touched his mouth for a halt, oh well, next time.
I did wear the spurs and that seemed to help a bit, he's a lot more responsive but a little over-reactive with them on. But it requires so little leg with them on so maybe I'll do a few times with them and a few without to keep him on his toes.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Lunch at the barn
Another lunchtime trip to the barn. Cody was on the far end of the pasture again. Axel was waiting at the water though. Heh. I really should go out there and groom him up and give him some attention, poor guy. Jesse is back out with the boys so that was nice to see. I rode around the arena for a bit. I think one of my problems is that I can't commit to working on one thing at a time. I started working on trotting and staying on the rail and staying in the trot and then we'd canter so I thought maybe I'd work on that. Heh. We did get the left lead a few times, I think he dropped out of if a couple times though, it was hard to tell. But we ended with a left lead canter, once he picked it up I let him have his head and tried to just keep him up with my legs. It still feels really wild but I suppose we work on getting the lead consistently first then we work on easing it up a bit.
I was daring so I jumped on bareback from the picnic table and rode him down to the first gate. I didn't try opening the gate while mounted, that just wasn't going to happen with that gate I don't think. Not without a lot more work on sidepassing and the like.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
We were in Sioux Falls this weekend for a wedding so on our way out of town we swung by to visit Haji. He's finally mingling with the herd a bit more so that was really nice to see. Of course he's a gray horse so he was dirty as can be. I told Daniel he needs to get some small grooming tools and get to work. His forelock is growing out nicely, now his tail just needs to catch up. He's lost a little weight from the move/winter but otherwise he's looking good. He's kind of funny shaped so even when he's fat his backbone sticks out. Poor guy reacts pretty big to bug bites so he's all bumpy but with the other horses there's probably no way he'd keep a fly sheet on. I'm sure it's much nicer not wearing one, probably just adds heat.
Daniel petted him a bit and then went over to see some of the other horses and Haji followed along, making sure "his boy" was okay I'm sure ;) We brought him a big apple from the hotel breakfast. Daniel even got a little ride. Without a saddle though, Haji's not the most comfortable bareback horse but I don't think Daniel cared. I'm looking forward to when we can put Daniel up on a saddle and lead Haji around without holding the boy on.
Cody gets a workout
Last week I convinced Jeff to watch the baby after work so I could go to the barn when there might be people around to ride with. And I lucked out because not only was J around but so was TeeJay's owner.
J and I went down the road almost to the mile mark but Cody was being a bit of a pill. The usual turning for home and getting mad when I wouldn't let him. He kept creeping toward the ditch and when he'd get close he'd start backing into it so I'd kick him a good one and we had a mini bucking session by the neighbor's mailbox. Not a big deal just a little attitude. He was pretty slow and not too happy to be out and about. I'm going to blame the wind and the fact that Atta Girl isn't Steele, his usual riding buddy.
So when we got back I went into the arena and rode a bit. I had J get on him for a while and see what he could do. So I'm seeing my first problem isn't Cody, it's that I just let him get away with murder. Doh. She had him on the rail, trotting, cantering. She got a left lead on the first try. She was choked up on the reins more than Cody likes so he was fighting that quite a bit but he started settling down. She figured he'd get used to it if we kept it up. I got back on and worked on that left lead. It took me forever to get it. J says to counter bend. So we'd be at the wall and I'd have his head nearly cranked around to my knee facing the wall and then ask for the canter and he finally picked up the lead. Soooo, I guess it's user error :( Hehe. But she said he was really nice to ride and he'd have a gorgeous lope if we made him do it once in a while. She said she can work with him and me this summer in the arena and getting him down the road. I think if I kick his butt in the arena then down the road might not be so bad since maybe he'll mind me a bit more. So that was that. Bad ride on the road, good ride in the arena. He was a sweaty boy.
In other news, C was there with TeeJay. I think it's been over a year since I saw her. And I asked her if I could ride him down the road and she thought that would be just fine. She's going to give me a call when she thinks he's good to go. J got on TeeJay and he was pretty rusty. But he looks good in Axel's dressage bridle. ;)
So it pays to get to the barn when there's people around! So when I get the okay I'll be able to go for a few rides down the road with Cody and friends. It's been ages!
Friday, May 18, 2012
So I made it out yesterday at lunch in hopes I would avoid the heat. Holy wind, Batman! Walking through that wooded lane there was next to impossible. And then of course the horses were all at the opposite end of the pasture. So I had a nice walk. I would have jumped on Cody bareback but there was nothing to boost me up ;) I had considered just riding in the empty pasture but not with that wind.
I was lazy so I just rode in the arena for 20 minutes or so bareback. We just worked on leg yielding from the quarter line to the rail. It wasn't great but it was a place to start. Found one tick on the underside of Cody's tail. I also found a lot of scabs under there. Poor guy, the ticks must be gnawing away at him and falling off before we see them. I think it's pretty typical for him, I recall combing through grown out scabs in his tail before. And he's not exactly the happiest camper when someone is digging around back there. No ticks on Axel that I noticed. And I gave both horses their vaccines so everyone should be set for a while now. I guess the good thing about the wind was it was keeping the flies away.
Wednesday, May 02, 2012
Down the Road!
So I didn't think we had gotten that much rain. Apparently it rains more at J&J. Holy mud. I was feeling pretty good about Axel not having gotten mud fever too bad but I might have spoke too soon. I didn't pull him out to look at all, I figured no reason to do that til it dries up a bit.
I ran out at lunch and Cody was conveniently placed by the gate so I didn't have to walk in the mud. I was too lazy to try and get the mud off his feet so we ventured down the road without boots. Surprisingly he went down the driveway almost at a normal walk speed. He was a little looky but he was way more willing to head away from the barn than he has been in the past. Don't get me wrong, we weren't moving anywhere quickly but he was fairly calm about life. We stuck to the ditch for the most part until it got too wet. Made it down to the neighbors mailbox and then turned and went past the driveway to the other neighbors first drive way.
I did put on my spurs but I didn't have to really use them much. I just figured maybe having them would give him a little clearer instructions. We mostly worked on "walking straight and facing forward means no contact on the reins and no heels in my sides."
So all in all it was a decent ride. And gorgeous out to boot.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Cody to the Left
Last time I made it out to the barn to ride I met Cody in the pasture taking a nap. That old horse has come a long way since I've bought him. A few years ago there's no way he would have let me walk up to him in the pasture while he slept let alone sit on his back like I did the other day. After I hung out with him for a few minutes, took a bunch of pictures, and annoyed him to the best of my abilities I finally put the halter on him and he reluctantly got up.
I wanted to set up a series of poles to work on turns on the haunches and forehand but we don't have quite enough poles in the barn and they aren't very long so my pattern was a little small. We did walk through it a few times but next time I'll have to make it bigger and probably video tape the session so I can see what he's doing.
I tried to work him to the left as much as possible since that's the direction he has the most trouble with. He really hollows out and counter bends going left and doesn't pick up that lead of course. I thought maybe the chiropractic adjustment would help a bit but even on the lunge he wouldn't get that left lead. Back to the drawing board I guess. One good thing that came out of it was that I'm more comfortable with the old boy. It always felt like he got so worked up after one attempt at cantering but after watching Nancy ride and seeing how not worked up he really was something must have clicked for me and now it doesn't feel like he's freaking out nearly as much. So I guess one thing at a time.
Monday, April 09, 2012
Lots of Vet Visits
Well it's spring again, I can tell because my checkbook has been getting a work out. Luckily work bonuses happen around the same time as all the Spring vet visits. Cody and Axel had their usual rabies and coggins visit quite a while ago but we didn't have time for the dental work so we scheduled that for April. So now both boys have had their teeth all spiffed up as well as their boy parts. Even under heavy sedation Cody still protested the sheath cleaning, silly old man.
The nice part about appointments with sedation is that I think have horses very willing to stand still while I fiddle around and comb their tails through and clean up bridle paths and all sorts of good things that they usually don't stand still long enough for. Axel hadn't been groomed in quite some time so he had a nice carpet of hair that I was able to remove. Luckily the mud situation isn't too bad this year (yet) so I didn't have to do any more leg shaving (good thing since my clippers died while I was working on Cody's bridle path).
So the day after the dentist appointment the chiropractor came out. Some folks (Jeff) think I'm nuts for having the chiropractor work on the horses but that first time I had Cody worked on he was a changed horse. It may look like voodoo but you can argue with results. Cody had quite a bit "out" for this appointment including his left shoulder so now that he's straightened out maybe he'll pick up that left lead easier? We'll see. Axel only had a bit out and that's pretty normal for him but I figured since he's been limping around for so long getting an adjustment might be a good thing. He may be retired but I'd like to keep him as pain free and happy as possible, plus he'll still be able to take Daniel around for a while.
So now all that's left is the rest of the spring shots which I pick up at the Horse Expo and administer myself.
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