Axel is still swollen, actually more swollen than before. My theory is that the swelling went down as the horses were learning how to use the hay net. Now that they have it figured out - commence pigging out, and thus the swelling is back. Boo. I plan to get a hay net for the boys when I move them but now do I need to consider the slow feed net? It's significantly more expensive than the regular net. It's kind of an expensive experiment.
I haven't gotten out to ride too much. The last two times I rode Cody went okay. Kind of lazy. I didn't have a crop or spurs or anything. He really really will not stay on the rail or willingly go to the left. He doesn't act like he's in pain or pissed, just doesn't want to go. So I've been riding a bit and then lunging to the left. Probably should do that in reverse order. Along with some bending to try and loosen him up and some carrot stretches.
So on the lunge line when he picks up that left lead canter it looks really easy and nice and effortless, but getting him into it is like pulling teeth.
We still haven't gotten out to see our first choice adoption horse, we're hoping for this coming week. I think Cody has his hooves crossed as well. He's ready to just be a pretty pasture ornament. Though until I move him I'll need to keep him in shape for some road/trail riding. I could probably make it out to the barn more than once a week, maybe ride Cody bareback for speed's sake, and then ride the "new" horse regular style to get him legged up. Then maybe once every 2 weeks (or more) ride out with both horses and N. Big plans!