Lots of stuff going on these days. First we almost had Spring and then it snowed again, and again, and again. So there was snow in May. Not really inspiring for getting to the barn. I just finally made it out to do spring shots and just made the spring vet appointment for June(!).
Daniel came out last week after the farrier appointment to ride a bit. We pretty much had to pry him off the horse. Gonna try and get out there weekly if possible for him to ride.
Then the most exciting news is that we finally found a horse. Did a lot of looking on the web, looked at a couple TBs in person that didn't work out, and found a couple QHs to look at a couple weeks ago. The second of which just clicked. Big beefy AQHA, great brain, and a work ethic and his name is Booger. So that was our guy. He arrived on Saturday and we didn't waste any time to saddle him up and put him through a few paces. He's coming off a gaming career followed by a roping career, neither of which he excelled at so he does need a little reprogramming to figure out what we're looking for but he's so calm I just don't think it'll take much time at all.
He does have a little "hitch in his giddyup" as it were, but it doesn't seem to bother him and the previous owner thought he'd work out of it as he shaped up. We're having the vet take a peek in a couple weeks when he's out to check teeth and all that. Not ideal for a new horse to be off but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

And I got back on Axel! He's been looking pretty good lately so I thought I'd give it a try. Walk, trot, canter. He's not perfect, still off, but it seems less than before. My goal is to get him in shape (mentally and physically) enough to handle a walk down the road once in a while and eventually to learn to be ponied so Daniel and I can go out when we've moved them to the farm. I stopped riding him because I just wasn't comfortable making him "work it out" if he got snotty with me with his sore knee. But now that he's feeling a little better, I think a little work is going to be good for him. He's been having some troubles in his stifles so hopefully a little exercise will help keep stuff loosened up.
So the plan is that N will ride Booger and I will do some ground work with him and keep Cody and Axel in shape. We'll try and ride Booger and Cody together when we have the chance over the summer. And then later in the summer/early fall we'll move Cody, Axel, and Haji out to the farm to semi-retire in style. Then I'll half lease Booger and we'll turn him into a mounted shooting expert (or just a trail horse ;) ).