The weather has been pretty nice on the weekends so far. Last weekend the boys rode Cody for a while in the yard. At least until they started fighting over both wanting to ride but not together. I wish Axel wasn't so sore and someone could ride him too. I'd just be afraid he'd trip and fall. Also I don't have 4 hands to lead everyone around at once. Though Daniel thinks he can handle it himself.
We're working on week 4 of the eye meds. I can't tell if his eye is getting better or not. It almost looks like the ulcer is getting more shallow? I have no idea if that's how they heal or not. The circle doesn't seem to be getting smaller in diameter though. And it's hard to get him to open it far enough to take a photo. Every time I go near him he slams it shut. Go figure.
So in my short time taking care of my own horses my list of things I need is getting longer and longer and more expensive. Obvious things like a skid loader to feed hay, and a 4 wheeler and harrow to drag the pasture, a shelter, and automatic waterer are all sort of spendy items. Some smaller details: some of those cement dishes cuz the horses can't seem to not knock over their buckets when they are eating which gets grain all over and then they eat the grass down to dirt trying to eat up all the spilled grain, so that makes me think I also need a solid rubber mat under where they eat. In addition to the grid like tiles for protecting the paddock for mud etc.