This afternoon Cody and Axel got to participate in a 6 year old girl's birthday party. Jacque's neighbor girls like to come visit all the horses and bring them grass clippings and treats and things. At one time the one little girl was taking some riding lessons from Jacque. So her big treat for her birthday is to come out and ride the horses. 4 little girls, 2 little boys, 2 moms and a dad all came out for the party. Cody got to wear a very tiny little western saddle. I think he might have been a little embarassed though.
First everyone got on a horse and lined up for a photo. The birthday girl sat on Axel bareback. They told me that he is just like Black Beauty and the Black Stallion. :) The other party goers sat on Cody, Kiko, Beau, Rusty, and Corey for the big group photo. I was helping hold horses and whatnot so I didn't get any photos of the actual party. I'll have to see if I can get a copy of some from someone.

Then the kids took turns riding Corey and Cody around the round pen. First with us leading and then trying to steer on their own. We just used clip on reins on the halters instead of bits and bridles. I think Cody was a little bit confused, and he really wanted to keep his eye on Axel who was on the outside of the pen watching. So at first I'd have to drag Cody around the ring until we turned to face where Cody could see Axel and then he'd move out a bit more. He did start figuring it out a bit more by the end but we couldn't get him to trot he just looked at me confused as to why I'd want him to trot around in a circle, going no where.

When the kids were done riding and their interest had turned to climbing on the hay bales, the dad decided he wanted to try and ride one of the horses bareback. So we got out a bridle and brought Axel into the ring. He jumped on up and rode around the ring on Axel. And Axel did so well, he really moved out and was pretty attentive. I'm definitely going to have to ride him bareback this winter (when there's soft snow to fall on). They also got the two moms up on Axel bareback. Axel didn't seem to mind walking in circles like Cody did. And all that concern Cody had for Axel while he was in the ring, Cody was no where to be found while we were playing with Axel, goofy horses.

So while the big kids were playing in the round pen the kids had decided that the horses needed some hay. Normally they get fed twice a day with both their grain and hay at those times. So hay in the middle of the day is kind of a treat. When we were done in the ring and came back into the barn, I peeked over the small barn door to see what was going on. There was a pile of hay so big you could barely open the door. The horses, of course, did mind and were in 7th heaven. When I left the barn and turned the corner there was another pile of hay that the rest of the horses were gorging themselves on. Those little kids probably carried a full bale if not more, piece by piece, out for the horses to eat. The horses were very pleased, but I imagine when they don't get hay for dinner tonight they might not be so happy!
After all the horsing around we all went inside for some hot chocolate and cookies. I've decided that my next birthday party might have to be out at the ranch too.
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