Horse Expo was this weekend so I spent all day Saturday at the fairgrounds. Went to the rodeo Saturday night as well. Today I went out in the rain to visit the horses a bit. Had to make sure Axel wasn't angry with me for making him work and learn dressage on Tuesday. I don't think he hates me, he sure spent a lot of time trying to drive me nuts following me around trying to take the brush out of my pockets. I just hope it stops raining so we can ride on Tuesday. I'm anxious to see if he retained any of what we tried to teach him. I've also applied for Axel to be a demo horse for the Parelli tour that will be here in June. I dunno if they'll pick him but it'd be kind of fun if they did or potentially embarassing ;)

I put some of the poles out in the round pen to get Axel to walk over them. He'd following me over the poles but he wouldn't jump over the barrel. He'd just walk around it and then push it out of his way with his head. Guess we'll have to work on learning to lunge so I can try and lunge him over some little jumps or something. Maybe when it stops raining.
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