Luckily it cooled down quite a bit from yesterday. We decided to work on the hills today. Still working on getting Axel to use his rear end properly and step under himself. Going down the hills it's almost as if he's so afraid of tripping that he takes the tiniest steps ever. He wasn't overly forward today. We worked some circles on the grass part of the hill and then moved to the sand. He really had to work in the sand. We'd walk down the hill and then canter back up. Boy that horse has a whopper of a canter, kabang kabang. I could feel when he'd round up on occasion but most of the time he just barreled up the hill. After the sandy part of the hill we went back to the grassy part of the hill and just did some more circles walking. At that point he was really working well, walking very forward up the hill and down the hill, and not worrying about where his feet were going. So that was the time to stop.
Tom roped off another little pasture area with some super tall grass and some trees. All the horses were running around acting like fools in the new pasture. Axel promptly ran into a tree after being turned out. Didn't do much damage, just a little scrape on his face. Tricia worked with Kiko a little bit on the long lines. One of these days we'll get someone to ride her.
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