I thought I'd just update here about Sunday's trail ride. It wasn't Cody or Axel though. Jody, Sandy, some of Jody's family members, and I went out to Minnesota Harvest for a trail ride and some apple picking on Sunday. I'm less and less a fan of the Rent-A-Horse type places but since there's only 3 horses that we could ride where Cody and Axel live, that doesn't leave a lot of options for a group of 6. I rode a spunky little QH named Buster. And by spunky I mean, hadn't been a trail horse for very long, wnated to lead the group, and spooked at invisible things in the woods. He did only spook once and handled it pretty well. I asked for a horse that would move out and he was pretty good in that department. We went for an hour trail ride which really is short. Part of the ride (pictured) went through some really nice woods, I wished we would have had more of the ride there actually. Jody's littlest sister was on a little pony named Winkie. The trail leader did keep her on the lead line, and Jordan had a death grip on the saddle horn for the whole hour. But she did declare that she loved horses, just not "nuts" horses, and she asked her dad for a "Winkie." Dad said no. As our last trail ride, Jody got put on one of the smallest horses, and this time, the slowest horse. Everyone else's horses were fairly well behaved. Sandy was on a mare and she wasn't too fond of Buster being behind her. Jody's dad was on a nice Appy that had a gorgeous headset. And Jesse's horse just plodded along like a typical trail horse. The trail leader was really nice and talked with Jordan the whole time. I half thought that might be a fun weekend job giving trail rides, but then I'd never have time to ride my own horses. And I don't think my rear end would ever forgive me.
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