Axel has learned his stuff pretty well. He knows how to use his rear end and bend around my leg. Unfortunately for me, he will only do it if I am riding in the utmost perfect way. Something I am not prone to do more times than not. So I fight and fight to try and get in the right place and put my leg in the right position and hold the reins correctly just to get him to start moving around correctly, and then I instantly loose it. It's been two days since my last lesson and my inner thighs are still killing me.
We tried his new boots this time. He hates them, just like he hated the other support boots we tried. I'm not sure if he'll get used to them or not. Unlike the bell boots or polo wraps which he clomps around in for a while lifting his feet up pretty high, in the combo/skid boots he raised his one back leg all the way up to his belly and then hopped around on the other back leg. The last trim didn't actually help his habit of kicking himself, he did plenty of that this week. Every time we'd stop he try and kick the boots off. I think we'll give them a few more tries before switching back to the bell boots though. I attempted to wear spurs this week as well. I didn't really notice any big difference, maybe if I get the hang of it so I know more when I'm using them and when I'm not. At this point I'm a little worried about our schooling show in August but that could all change. I think we need a few rides where we just stretch out and get a really bit trot, get our riding legs back or something. We'll have to take a ride up the back hill and trot around for a while. Maybe if I can find some time this weekend.
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