I do hearby declare (and maybe regret it later) that Cody has been cured of his crankiness by one
Dr. Westman, equine chiropractor and vet extraordinaire. I think I gave it enough time and testing with various variables to determine that Cody is now feeling much better than he was. He's back to his old happy self, easy to ride, and a great baby sitter. He's also very shiny. Though I didn't have many doubts I decided one more ride for he and I would be in order. Okay okay I haven't taken him out alone yet but even when he was cranky that wasn't any worse than riding him with another horse so I just haven't gotten around to testing him out like that. It was hot, and Tricia and I decided we just didn't want to think about working on the dressage yet so another trail ride was in order.

Tricia opted for bareback on Axel and I stick with the dressage saddle on Cody for our trail rides. The possible path to the creek was still a bit muddy though we tried it again. Turns out what Tricia had seen as a possible way into the creek was in fact a big cliff not something we could pass. So that was out. So it was back up the hill as usual only this time we ventured off the trail. Into the woods. Did I mention, no trail? Axel stomped over trees, Cody waited until Axel picked the worst possible route and then we'd go around a different way. Luckily I was wearing pants and had a saddle. Tricia, on the other hand, was not so lucky riding bareback with shorts and no shoes (hey she had her helmet on, we're a poster for safety these days). We ended up going nowhere and having to turn around and go back. Somehow we came out of the woods in a different place than we went in. Needless to say it was interesting. I think under normal circumstances Cody probably wouldn't have enjoyed our trek through the woods but stepping over all those trees and branches was probably scratching the bugs away quite nicely. Unfortunately the photos I took don't do the woods justice. It was a lot more crowded in there than it looks. The rest of the ride was just some meandering around as usual. No major work, just walking and sweating and staying on the trail. At the end of the ride it was thundering and the clouds started looking pretty ominous. We made it back to the barn, untacked, fed everyone, and got to the bar before it started hailing. We have great timing, I tell ya!
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