We ended up being short a truck and trailer this week due to the State Fair and Tricia's husband needing the truck for goats (I say the goats have a bus why do they need a trailer - ask Tricia about the goat bus sometime). And since it had rained the past week non stop we thought maybe the back trail would be a little slick. So it was down the road for us. Tricia's niece came and rode Corey for us. I saddled up Cody. Tricia was on Kalani and Steph was on Kiko. Even though it had rained and there was barely any gravel on the dirt road Cody was tripping and limping and acting quite like a baby for the first leg of the road. I started to think he was lame until we got to some grass and then he was just fine. It might be time to invest in some boots for him. He just can't handle the rocks. And I was a little worried since I haven't had the chiropractor out again for his re-check that he might be getting sore again but he was an angel once we got out of the rocks.
The greenies had a great ride and Corey also had a good ride with his young rider. We just made a short trip down the road and headed back. When we got back we decided to work on Corey's training for therapeutic riding. Lexi kept riding and we attacked Corey with balls and hula hoops and big blue tarps. He was a champ. He side stepped once when he stepped on the hula hoop the first time. After that he only tried to get away from the hula hoop when it ended up between his back legs. And his spooks were very small, Lexi had no issues riding him at all, and it was her first time in an english saddle. He also survived the crazy jumping sidewalker test. So we'll probably play with him a few more times and then I think he's ready for his new job at
Don't forget about the
We Can Ride Trail Ride Fund Raiser coming up in September!
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