Somehow I forgot to post about the Gary Cattle Drive. Tricia and I went out to South Dakota for the Gary Cattle Drive, unfortunately I was without a good camera and my mother-in-law's camera ran out of space so I only got a few kind of boring photos. They drive the herd right through the middle of town. We're going to try and weasel our way into the drive next year.
This is the continuing story of my adventures in horse ownership. I've got 2.5 horses and hoping for more, just don't tell my husband!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Cattle Drive
Somehow I forgot to post about the Gary Cattle Drive. Tricia and I went out to South Dakota for the Gary Cattle Drive, unfortunately I was without a good camera and my mother-in-law's camera ran out of space so I only got a few kind of boring photos. They drive the herd right through the middle of town. We're going to try and weasel our way into the drive next year.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Love the bean field
Jeff came out with me again so he could shoot his bow while I rode and Tricia wasn't able to get a truck so no Oly. But we lucked out again and they still haven't plowed the bean field by the ranch. Unfortunately it's still a slow ride to get there since Axel is the king of slowness. But once we get there we do quite alright. Tricia rode Cody bareback on a saddle blanket. Steph rode Kalani after already having worked Kiko in the field before we got there. And I rode Axel. My goal was to stop nagging and figure out how to relax my rear end. I tend to squeeze from the waist down which is not a good deal. Firstly it leaves my inner thighs killing me the next two days, it confuses the horse who thinks I'm trying to half halt, and it makes me super bouncy in the saddle.
So lesson #1 for me was to not squeeze and hold too much. Bump, click, whip. The bump isn't as easy as it sounds. I'm so used to squeezing Axel to get him to move. We'll have to keep working on that one.
Lesson #2 for me was too keep my lower back and rear end relaxed. We did a lot of bizarre posting and twisting to try and get my lower leg independent from my upper leg. Then we worked on seat bones and bending Axel in a serpentine using one seat bone at a time. I did some wiggling back and forth to try and find each hip. Axel might have thought I was nuts.
Realization #1 Axel is stiff to the right because I cannot get my right seat bone down to cue him to bend around in that direction. He does awesome with very little leg or rein and only left hip when we go that direction. But right is not so good.
We did end up cantering once or twice. I think the one time Axel finally started from his rear end (that's a good thing). I was also threatened with lunge line lessons. Luckily my horses don't lunge well yet. ;)
Monday, October 22, 2007
Saturday Ride
So prior to the annual get together at the Ranch I went out to ride Axel and groom everyone so they were semi-presentable for guests. It's time to get back to work for Axel and I don't think he's totally happy about that. The pasture is really wet so we didn't want to risk sliding around and also ripping up the grass so we went for the bean field again. Steph was riding Kalani as he needs a lot more time under saddle. The bean field is still super nice and I hope they don't plow for a long time :>
One of my goals for Axel is for me to stop nagging. Squeeze, click, crop. But some how he knows when that's my goal and goes really well on the squeeze or the squeeze, click. But hey, anything that keeps me from having to constantly kick is fine by me. Though he still requires a lot of leg to bend and all that so I'm pretty sore even today. We did some trotting in a not so nice frame. We did some walking and some figure eights in a really good frame to the left, not so much to the right. We even did some cantering. He's pretty good going right with the incorrect lead. Er I think it's going right, now I can't remember. I know it was the wrong lead but he even though about framing up for it. And we made a circle at the canter. Both of which I think are firsts. So I'll take it. We'll work on leads later. After a few times cantering he wasn't so pleased being asked to do it more so things got a little hairy at that point. Speed trotting. But we're slowing working up to a nice extended walk. Slowly, very very slowly. And we're getting pretty good at a square halt.
Kalani was having forward issues but finally worked out of it after about a half hour. He was quite a sweaty mess. Axel is at least up to being able to trot for a half hour without sweating too much. On the way back Axel and I had a couple little trots on the buckle so he can start to learn to stretch out his neck when allowed.
One of my goals for Axel is for me to stop nagging. Squeeze, click, crop. But some how he knows when that's my goal and goes really well on the squeeze or the squeeze, click. But hey, anything that keeps me from having to constantly kick is fine by me. Though he still requires a lot of leg to bend and all that so I'm pretty sore even today. We did some trotting in a not so nice frame. We did some walking and some figure eights in a really good frame to the left, not so much to the right. We even did some cantering. He's pretty good going right with the incorrect lead. Er I think it's going right, now I can't remember. I know it was the wrong lead but he even though about framing up for it. And we made a circle at the canter. Both of which I think are firsts. So I'll take it. We'll work on leads later. After a few times cantering he wasn't so pleased being asked to do it more so things got a little hairy at that point. Speed trotting. But we're slowing working up to a nice extended walk. Slowly, very very slowly. And we're getting pretty good at a square halt.
Kalani was having forward issues but finally worked out of it after about a half hour. He was quite a sweaty mess. Axel is at least up to being able to trot for a half hour without sweating too much. On the way back Axel and I had a couple little trots on the buckle so he can start to learn to stretch out his neck when allowed.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Another Rainy Day
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Slacking again
October 10
Tricia met me out at the barn without Oly this time. I saddled up Axel and she jumped on Cody bareback and we went for the bean field. It was still not plowed and I am thankful for that. Lots of wide open space to ride in. Once again Axel and I had some nice canters. Seems like right lead only but hey, it's a start.
We decided we needed to go on another trail ride but we were getting sick of the same old trail so we packed up Axel and Oly and went down south of Red Wing to Hay Creek. I somehow forgot Axel's bridle. Luckily Tricia had an extra since Oly was using his bosel. We did remember lots of snacks and lunch and ended up staying on the trail for something like 5 hours. It's a pretty nice state park/forest with lots of trails and even some small water crossings. Unfortunately a lot of the trails were rocky and hilly. Neither of which Axel really appreciates. He tends to aim towards the cliff side of the trail and I don't quite trust his judgment or his ability to find good footing. So there was a little bit of fighting over which side of the trail to ride on. But we survived. This is not a trail for Cody unless I get him some boots. Oly did pretty well also considering he was in a bosel. He continually wanted to turn around and go with whatever group of horses happen to pass us. We usually don't see other horses on the MN Valley Trail we frequent. So seeing other horses was a nice surprise. Tricia pointed out that Oly and Axel were the two biggest horses there. Everyone else had small gaited horses and the like. All in all it was a good ride on a gorgeous fall afternoon. Luckily we both had heated seats in our cars to sooth our rears after 5 hours in a saddle!
Thursday, October 04, 2007
We're High Fashion
On to the point of this post. I couldn't wrangle anyone up for riding last night and the weather was just too nice to pass up. So I went out to the barn alone. It's been quite a while since I've done that. Glad I went out there though. Axel and I went out on the road. I was thinking we'd maybe try a canter in the wide part of the ditch but it was kind of holey so we just trotted. But! We ended up coming to the bean field on the other side. The bean field that had already been combined but not dug. And it wasn't too sloppy from the rain. So into the field we went. We were working on some trotting in a circle (which we have conveniently forgotten how to do) when a big Weimereiner came running up at a distance. He must have been scared of Axel because every step Axel made toward him, the dog backed up. When he finally decided to go home Axel and I got back to work. This time I asked for a canter. And off we went cantering in the field at a nice controlled (but not collected) canter. Not a single buck. Left lead most of the time though I thought I felt him try and switch but our stamina is not there so our bouts of cantering weren't too long. Reminded me that I need to work on my canter to trot transitions, I bounce all over. In any case it was fun and we had brakes. I could have kept going but I figured Axel needed the reward of being done so we headed for home, at an almost decent paced walk I might add.
Yay for the basics. I'm excited to get back to schooling type riding. Trail riding is fun and all but I like seeing the improvements when we school.
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