October 10
Tricia met me out at the barn without Oly this time. I saddled up Axel and she jumped on Cody bareback and we went for the bean field. It was still not plowed and I am thankful for that. Lots of wide open space to ride in. Once again Axel and I had some nice canters. Seems like right lead only but hey, it's a start.
We decided we needed to go on another trail ride but we were getting sick of the same old trail so we packed up Axel and Oly and went down south of Red Wing to Hay Creek. I somehow forgot Axel's bridle. Luckily Tricia had an extra since Oly was using his bosel. We did remember lots of snacks and lunch and ended up staying on the trail for something like 5 hours. It's a pretty nice state park/forest with lots of trails and even some small water crossings. Unfortunately a lot of the trails were rocky and hilly. Neither of which Axel really appreciates. He tends to aim towards the cliff side of the trail and I don't quite trust his judgment or his ability to find good footing. So there was a little bit of fighting over which side of the trail to ride on. But we survived. This is not a trail for Cody unless I get him some boots. Oly did pretty well also considering he was in a bosel. He continually wanted to turn around and go with whatever group of horses happen to pass us. We usually don't see other horses on the MN Valley Trail we frequent. So seeing other horses was a nice surprise. Tricia pointed out that Oly and Axel were the two biggest horses there. Everyone else had small gaited horses and the like. All in all it was a good ride on a gorgeous fall afternoon. Luckily we both had heated seats in our cars to sooth our rears after 5 hours in a saddle!
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