We finally had a nice day to go out and ride. Even after it snowed this weekend (can you believe that?). Axel is looking better, seems a bit tender still. I told the caretakers to cut down his bute a bit and then just give it to him as he becomes sore. We'll see how that works. He was feeling well enough to chase Poppy around and to sneak under a makeshift fence. I grabbed Cody and Kiko for today's ride. Steph was busy so Tricia came out to ride Kiko since Axel is on the bench. I really do promise I'll work with Cody on the standing still thing. He did really well with backing out of the barn so I expect if I put my mind to it I can get him to stand still. I also plan to do a bit more work with him this summer as far as schooling goes since Axel is resting. He's not totally willing to listen to me yet so maybe some time in the "arena" will help. I'll have to do some research on methods to teach him to stand to beef up my arsenal.
We had our usual mounting difficulties so we walked down to the first stretchy gate and mounted there. He made a few very weak attempts to convince me that riding on the trail wasn't in our best interest, but he gave in quickly and without a fight. Over all the ride was very calm. We still have issues with going down hills and wanting to go too fast or run. And when we came out of the woods into the clearing and tried to work on some circles he was a bit miffed. He hates turning to the left and will fight it with all his might. So serpentines will be in our future. And despite the minor fights, the first hill work of the year, and still having a partial winter coat, we came back up to the barn with very little sweat. So that's a good sign that he was relatively calm with the situation. Granted Kiko was along. I am hoping one of these days he will finally settle in with the new herd and be back to his post-chiropractic happy self.
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