Stephanie pointed out that I seem to be collecting lame horses lately. Tuesday we went out to the barn and I planned to ride Cody in the pasture a bit. Patti mentioned that she thought he was off. So I walked him around a bit and sure enough he was lame. Steph thought he was off on the left and then he switched to being off on the right. There doesn't seem to be any heat in his hooves. He doesn't have a problem bending any joints. Our best guess on this one is his shoulders and probably just arthritis that the chiropractor had mentioned in the past. We put his boots on just to see if it was maybe a stone bruise or something like that and he did improve his gait but was still a little off. I ended up riding him bareback in the pasture just at the walk to see if he'd work out of it. He didn't seem too bad then. And his boots worked really well but they make a funny noise that makes me think they aren't staying on all the way but there was no rub marks or anything so who knows. As soon as I dismounted he was back to walking funny.
Axel of course is still not quite right in the rear on that leg with the ring bone. He walks pretty good. I saddled him up and rode him in the pasture as well. His trot is all off kilter though. Granted the ground was not even but he wasn't quite working out of it this time. He's a lot more willing and happy on the trail so I guess he ignores his pain then better than just plodding around in the pasture with me trying to get him to do things properly.
Steph spent the whole time working on Kalani's canter which he would just refuse to give her. She finally resorted to lunging him so she could get something out of him before stopping but he just went around in a tizzy. When I was done with Axel I finally got on and she lunged him while I was on his back. It still took him a while to work out of the fit his was having but he did finally calm down. Not enough to try a canter, the trot was still a bit spastic and me without reins, I didn't think a canter was in my best interest.
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