When I arrived last night I called for the horses and was greeted by the usual stampede. Everyone except Gunner and Axel. I wasn't too concerned since Gunner never joins the stampede and I figured if Axel was still sore he would just take his time. Pretty soon Gunner came running and still no Axel. The horses were confined to the south side of the hill pasture so I walked down the hill through the woods to look for the missing horse. No luck so I started calling for Axel. Pretty soon I see him trotting up from the north side of the hill pasture to greet me at the new stretchy gate on the wrong side of the fence. Now I'm not too concerned at his escaping in this instance as the fence isn't hot down there and the portion of the fence next to the gate seemed awfully loose. Probably quite easy for a grazing horse to not notice it or for an easy escape if someone was chasing him. Though I might have to start seriously thinking about a microchip, quick release halter, and an ID tag for my horse that thinks he's a dog.
The good part of all this was that Axel was sound and trotting and not on Bute. So I haltered him and we walked up to the barn. I decided we'd just do a nice walk down the road, nothing spectacular just a nice fall ride. Axel was a bit preoccupied with trying to aim for the ditch. I let him choose his path for a while but the ditch is so full of gopher holes I didn't want him stepping in one and hurting himself even more. He's pretty amusing if you let him just wander where he chooses, he gets distracted very easily and starts wandering in whatever direction the next interesting thing is in even when heading back to the barn.
On the way back I had to grab Jeff's archery target which was a lot heavier than I had remembered it to be. Luckily it had a handle and I was able to carry it while riding Cody even as awkward as it was Cody did fine. I think it might have weighed him down a bit because he wasn't eager to bolt up the last hill to the barn and walked with very little convincing.
With Axel back in riding condition (knock on wood) I should see if Tricia wants to go for a ride this weekend. Of course it's always a pain to come down my way when the cool trails are up where she lives and without an attachment for Jeff's truck and the trailer lights I don't think I'm ready for my first foray into trailer driving. Perhaps I will ride one of her horses or convince her we should go south somewhere. We shall see.
1 comment:
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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