Got out to the barn about an hour early, I figured that should be enough time to groom both horses and not have to rush. Of course then I get a call that the chiropractor was running late so we spent quite a bit of time in the arena just hanging out. I figured putting them in stalls for too long would mean antsy horses.
Cody went first and as suspected had the most issues. Nothing glaring confined to one spot but lots of issues all over. His jaw, neck, poll, withers, back, ribs, and sacrum all had some issues. It'll be interesting to see if the jaw issues will make him yawn less.
Axel really had no issues to speak of. He had a couple ribs out but that was the extent of it and that is apparently pretty normal of every horse. He had so few issues that the chiropractor only charged me half for his adjustment. So he said I shouldn't expect any changes from Axel at all. This was the same as his first adjustment in 2007. So I don't think I'll get Axel adjusted from now on unless there's an issue. Cody on the other hand will get put on the 2x a year. I think there's couple other girls that have the same vet out so I'll try and get on their schedule so we can split the farm call charge.
He gave Axel the go-ahead to ride on Saturday and said to wait on Cody til Sunday but some in-hand work would be good, they shouldn't stand in a stall or anything after the adjustment.
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