We walked around to the front of the house and right as we got there Tom opened the house door. Both horses spooked. So that was a fabulous start to our ride. Tricia must have really gotten to Axel, because after that he was an angel. Cody on the other hand, was still all worked up. We got up on the road and road past the nursery. They had some piles of mulch or something covered with big white tarps that were blowing around in the wind. Neither horse really reacted until we were past.
Cody was pretty well behaved on the way back, he was a little high strung but atleast he was moving in the right direction the whole time. Tricia gave me a different bit to try on him next time as well. Axel was a complete superstar in his dressage outfit. He loved the big and chewed on it the whole time. She said he needed a lot of leg but he moved right into the bit and was even foaming a bit. So I think we havea winning combination for Axel - a nice D ring snaffle, lots of leg, and a direct rein. Of course having a really good rider doesn't hurt ;)
Now I'll just have to figure out Cody's winning combination. Atleast when he gets high strung he doesn't bolt or runaway. He just likes to back into the ditch! Unfortunately my photos were really blurry this time. Time to get a new camera ;)
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