I couldn't get out to visit the boys last week so I made up for it by visiting both Saturday and Sunday this weekend. And on top of that I have a new camera so I have a large pile of photos to choose from. I managed to catch Cody and Kalani playing their little game which I wouldn't have been able to get with my old camera (it reacts too slowly). I had picked up a pair of dairy boots last weekend and boy am I glad I did. It was mud up over my ankles. The horses were covered in it. All I did on Saturday was groom. I gave Corey and Beau their birthday treats since it was both of their birthdays this week.

The amount of mud and hair I curried off the horses was insane. I guess they roll in the mud to help the shedding hair fall off easier. I bought a shedding blade to help with that. Not a whole lot else was happening on Saturday. Most of the horses were hanging out in the paddock where the mud isn't quite as bad. I did manage to get Cody in the barn to groom him without Corey driving us nuts. And out of the mud it was easier to pick out hooves.
This morning I went out and got two new bridles from Fleet Farm. Nothing special, just brown leather english bridles with cavessons. I also stopped at Petsmart and picked up a D-ring bit for Axel. I have a loose ring snaffle from Tricia to try out on Cody.
I decided to take Beau for a little walk down the road. It's pretty tough for the horses to get around in the mud, they slip and slide all over. And Beau being as stiff as he usually is, just stands there. So we went out where there was solid footing and walked around for awhile. I think he enjoyed getting out a bit. I hope to walk him every time I go out there. My thought is that moving around like that will help loosen him up a bit so he'll be ready for a little trail ride this spring.

While we were on the road the other horses were playing in the lake in the middle of the pasture. Four of them were in the water pawing and splashing. It was pretty funny to see, too bad I didn't have my camera with me at that point. Cody was the only one not in the water. Seems like maybe he prefers to stay dry if possible. When the rest of the horses took off running through the water, he brought up the rear trotting as high as he could.
After walking Beau a bit I groomed some of the horses again. Of course as soon as I was done with Axel he rolled in the mud. I brought him into the barn and groomed him again and tacked him up. Got his new bridle on and adjusted. It's kind of stiff right now, I'll have to work on that. We just went up the road and back, probably 2 block lengths each way or a little less. Just a quick ride. It was pretty windy. Axel did well though, we even had a nice little trot, a very little trot. I think Axel has mastered the jog, too bad I had him in an english saddle and was planning to post the trot!
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