Since Anne's mother's truck broke down Anne went to pick up the horses. Most of the morning she was off getting that done. I hung around the camp and horse sat while some of the other group went on a ride. I think their ride turned out to be a bit longer than they expected when they got lost and went around the lake. When Anne returned with her two Paso Finos and two ponies we let them rest for a bit and then saddled up. I think we did the small loop by camp so the kids could figure out the ponies. Later in the evening we took the kids on the trail through the meadow and woods near where we had hiked the night before. Luckily we wore the kids out and everyone went to bed early and quietly.

Of course sometime in the middle of the night we were woken up by snorting and snarling outside our tent. Upon further investigation we discovered a couple racoons having an argument on top of our picnic table. One of the racoons must not have won that fight, there was blood all over the place. The horses were completely unconcerned. Misty was laying down sleeping as was Axel, while Cody kept guard.
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