Camp all set up.
The big day finally arrived. We changed our plans to leave on Monday and decided to leave on Sunday instead. We were hauling a third horse and her owner, Pam, was going to follow in a truck on the way up to the park. Axel loaded perfectly but Cody gave us some issues. He really wanted to stick around and be with his girlfriend and the rest of the herd. After a few tries he did finally get in the trailer. We had to take Axel out and let Cody go in first, maybe he didn't think he had enough room or something. Misty, the third horse, loaded like a champ as well. We were on the road around 5:30 p.m. To get out of the cities we figured the easiest way would be to stay off the freeways that were under construction and just take some local highways up to I94. There were a lot of stops and turns but the horses all did pretty well considering. Once we were on the freeway north of the cities it was smooth sailing. Surprisingly the drive didn't seem very long (atleast for me and Anne, I think Pam was quite bored). In total it took us 5.5 hours. That included one stop for dinner and gas as well as some slight detours as we tried to find the entrance to the State Park. We arrived after 10 and it had just gotten dark. By light of the trucks we were able to set up the electric fencing, feed the horses, and set up our tents. We were in "bed" around midnight. I don't think any of us really slept much that night. Misty's rope broke and she wandered away from her picket line, we were all still awake and Pam managed to catch her. I don't think she would have gotten far, she was just looking for a better place to graze and sleep for the night.
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