Well since I sold my old car I was able to afford to have the chiropractor out to adjust both Cody and Axel this time. Cody needed a follow up visit from his spring adjustment. I of course got to the barn 5 minutes after 3. Dr. Westman said he'd be up to the ranch sometime around 3 or 4. Well I guess he was there at 3. So I was late. It was kind of a bummer because I had wanted a bit of time to groom everyone so they didn't look like total neglect cases. Oh well, it's that time of year I guess. I grabbed Cody and brought him into the barn. I was really surprised, he was pretty calm about the whole thing. He usually gets pretty worked up when he has to stand alone without his buddies. He stood really well for his adjustment and might have even enjoyed it. There was a lot of licking and chewing going on. In the end he had one rib on each side out (an improvement from the 4 that were out in the spring), his croup was out, and his withers were pretty bad still (his adjustments are on the left there if you can read them).

Axel hadn't been adjusted before and he's so stoic it's really hard to tell when he's in pain. But he's been so slow lately that I thought maybe he is in pain and at least this can't hurt. He in fact was out: a couple ribs, his withers were pretty out, and his poll. He didn't show much pain upon palpitation but he was out enough that I might see some changes in him the next time I ride him. The Dr. did find out that Axel has an issue with his left front knee. He's got a lump and it's really stiff, possibly the beginning of arthritis. So I put some senior flex in his dinner for the night and we'll see about getting him on that supplement for a while. I had asked to put him on that a while ago but I don't think that had happened. I'm hoping he maybe just tripped and smacked his knee but I think it's been an ongoing issue. Poor Axel. He enjoyed the adjustment well enough, he didn't really appreciate having his poll adjusted but the rest he was fine with (Axel's adjustments are on the right).
Tricia was able to make it over with Oly for his adjustment. I had sort of wondered if he'd even need anything done since he's been pretty good lately. Hasn't tried to kill Tricia in a long time. But he was out in a quite a few places on his back and ribs, enough that the Chiropractor suggested she give him a few extra days before he goes back to work.
So we'll probably do a bit more ground driving and such for Axel while he's still putting on a bit more weight and hopefully building back some muscle before I start riding him again. And lots more ground work for Cody is in our future, especially after how well he got in the trailer the other night after their little adventure. Gotta keep up that good work.
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