Wednesday, November 07, 2007

A Ground Work Lesson

Tricia was without a truck and trailer and by the time everyone got to the barn it was going to be dark pretty quick. Steph decided to not work Kiko or Kalani and just lend a hand with Cody and Axel. We decided it was time for more ground work (it's always time for more ground work but with only being out there once a week it's hard to squeeze it in). Tricia started with Cody since I deemed him the most difficult. I began with ground driving Axel with Steph coaching us. Axel did really well and moved out pretty good for once. We still have some issues with turning and not getting totally confused but we do pretty good. At the very least Axel will learn to move forward without me kicking the crap out of him all the time. We even attempted a little trot which probably looked a bit more like water skiing.

Steph took over with Axel and worked on long lining (like a combination of ground driving and lunging) at the trot. I went and worked with Cody and Tricia. Basically with Cody we're working on a few things:

  1. Moving forward without questioning (respect)

  2. Being content away from the herd

  3. Letting us work with his nose (he's been rearing when we try to worm or do much of anything to his face)

Tricia already had Cody working pretty well on the lunge. She showed me how to get him to circle on command and then switch directions when I asked. He started to understand the direction change pretty well. The point is that he should nearly jump to the next direction when told to and not have to have the handler force him to move. When I'd ask him to stop I'd "reward" him by scratching his nose. In the end Cody had worked up quite the sweat so we put him in the barn with a cooler on while we finished up with Axel.

Axel was doing pretty good with the long lining but at this point it was really dark so it was hard to see what he was doing. Apparently he did really well to the right but we were watching the left side and that's his stiff side. After cooling out Cody (who did not want to calm down in the barn away from his buddies), we fed and all the usual stuff.

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