First visit out to the barn since the new horses moved in and it was a busy one. We went out on Friday a little earlier than normal. Tricia worked Cody a bit in the barn and then out in the pasture while we got Axel and Kiko ready. I guess he was a little worked up about it all. We took Kiko and Axel on the road and mounted there past all of the ice. Tricia joined us with a plastic sled for Axel to pull. He did really well on the stretch heading away from the barn. Kiko was a little concerned with the sound the sled was making but nothing too major. She was too busy fussy as she hadn't been ridden in quite a while. When we turned to head back and took the side road Axel decided he was done with our games and started a little hissy fit. Just a bit of bucking with a bit more energy than he usually is willing to give up. We got up to the bean field we stopped pulling the sled and I rode him around a bit to see if he was just pissed about pulling or if it was general barn sour crankiness. It appeared to be mostly barn sour crankiness. At this point we met up with Patti, Scott, and Andrea who came out for a ride as well. Tricia was horseless and didn't want to walk back so Scott and Gunner pulled her home. Axel actually led the pack on the way home. So much for my slow lazy horse! We'll see how long this'll last.
By the time we got back Cody had paced himself into a full sweat. It was only about 20F so we threw a wool blanket and a fleece cooler on him while we fed. Patti has a new system set up with clips and straps for each horse and they feed in the small buckets so no buckets stay outside now and you don't have to tie, you just clip them in. Since Cody was still wet we left the blanket and went to the bar for a while and came back on the way home and pulled them off since I don't have a waterproof sheet to leave on over night. Here's hoping for Cody to regain his sanity soon.
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