Sunday Steph and I made the trek back out to the barn to ride. This time I thought we'd go with Cody and Kiko and see if Cody was happier with that situation. He was pretty good about it, no groundwork ahead of time either. Kiko was having some usual issues about not really wanting to be out riding. Cody was actually really good in retrospect. We only had a few really minor Rolkur impressions. He likes to drop his jaw and chin and open his mouth in an attempt to evade the bit. It makes him look like he's doing rolkur. Ironically we ride him with a really loose rein, he just does it on his own. The new horses were quite concerned that we took Kiko away. Apparently she has made a few extra boyfriends.
It was such a nice day and our ride was pretty short since we only really have the road to ride on right now, we decided to get Kalani and Axel out for a second trip around. Axel was a bit slow as usual but nothing terrible. Well behaved for the most part as well. When we went for a bit of a trot he decided to kick out and start cantering. He wasn't trying too hard to get me off and we broke down to a trot just fine. Steph wanted a canter so she went ahead of me and gave it a try. I decided since I didn't know if Axel's protesting was from pain or attitude I'd just let him trot if he wanted. We were pretty far behind and I very lightly squeezed, I mean really lightly, just to see if he had any interest in catching up. Boy did he! Off he went, kicking, bucking, cantering. I pushed him forward to which his response was to drop back into a trot and then walk. I decided since his bucking is fairly straight and predictable I'd ask for another canter. I got more bucking, I tried to push him through, he cantered a few strides and then back down to the trot.

I'm not certain why he's been protesting so much. He isn't visibly lame nor is he visibly in pain. When he is trotting he's even. So either there's some pain somewhere I don't know about, he's got spring fever or just an attitude, or he's still not balanced enough to know how to canter properly. Of course it's probably a combination of all of that. My vote is on the majority of it being attitude. I'll get Tricia or Steph to ride him and see what they think. He did walkout much nicer when I rode on the buckle. Maybe we'll have to have a peek in his mouth. It'll be about a year now since he's had his teeth done (let's hope he doesn't need that done again, so expensive).

Since we've been backing Cody out of the barn door, he's been doing so well, we decided to try and back Axel. Cody's issue is flying backwards out of the trailer. Axel's issue is not backing out at all, insisting on turning around and going out forward. So I can get Axel to back on a flat surface in the barn or wherever, but as soon as he got about a foot from the barn door he wouldn't budge. And being the stoic bombproof horse he is, no amount of flailing, tapping, pushing, anything would get him moving. So after some rewards for taking a step or even just shifting his weight we ended that lesson. I'll have to start him through the other barn door that I can adjust the width and also there's no step. Then we'll move on to the small barn door that Cody has conquered. Goofy horses, if it's not one thing, it's another.
I remeasured Cody's feet for boots and I come up with 5" wide and 5.25" long. Not exactly the 3.5" long that the farrier reported. Of course I will triple measure in March after their next farrier visit to be sure before I order any boots. Hopefully by then my tax refund will be on it's way. Axel's feet ended up being 5" long and 6" wide. Though the farrier did square them off in front for more break over to help his sore knee. I don't think I'll be getting him any boots anyway though.
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