He was a sweaty mess by the end. He's gotten to a point where he'll willingly put in two feet
but that's it and he'll stand there calm then all of a sudden fling himself backwards. So then we circle and do some change of direction then try again. Two feet, calm, back out and back in a few times then he flings back wards so we circle. Rinse and repeat. So finally Tricia was standing there watching, he had two feet in and she walked towards him randomly and he jumped in. So we tied him and she shut the door and we tried to give him some grain. He wasn't really interested in eating, he wasn't that calm yet but he wasn't pulling on the trailer tie at all and he wasn't pacing. He was standing there sweating and occassionaly looking out the window at his herd. So after what we figured was as calm as he'd get we opened the door and backed him out. He backed calmly and slowly the whole way, two back feet on the ground then flung himself backwards. So we went right back in and surprisngly he went with no question. We stood at the front of the trailer for 15 seconds or so and he was pretty calm considering so we backed out one more time slowly. This time he got all four feet on the ground without flying backwards so we stopped for the night.
I had already groomed Axel so he was standing there waiting more or less patiently along with Kalani and Oly and Cinder. We tacked them up and headed down to the trail. Axel seemed to be feeling okay to feisty on the scale of horse attitude. He had a hard time staying behind everyone on the way up the back hill. He was back to his normal slow way down then trot to keep up through the meadow area. As soon as we got to the first little hill in the woods, I collected up my reins and got a buck. Buck buck buck down and up the little hill. The best I can figure, this is not a pain response as he started before he had to do any work walking down the hill. After that he was a little more feisty but not horrible. We made it down the really big hill as slow as possible. I always feel like I'm going head over tea kettle especially on Axel. It was like a vertical drop down. Everyone decided to run up the next side, Axel chose to buck. the. whole. way. It is really hard to pull a horse out of a buck when he's going up hill. Heck I would think it would be hard to buck up a hill period. He and I walked back down and tried again. More bucking. Popular opinion is that he's not using his hind end and pulling himself up the hill. A winter and 8 weeks off from actual work has apparently caused him to forget everything we worked on in the past two years.
The rest of the ride was a little sideways. Axel was good and worked up now and would buck (really wimpy) every time I squeezed the reins. We did some circles in the meadow and he did pretty well. A few minor hiccups and even bucked himself into a really nice right lead canter that I maintained for a while. Left lead, not so much. And let me tell you, Axel's counter canter is not something to be trifled with. Ug so horrible. He made one evil attempt at Cinder's life and all the horse spooked at one point to some mysterious nothing in the woods. The walk back down the hill was a little sideways interspersed with bucks as well. He's becoming quite the handful. Perhaps some more schooling work will get him back to behaving. Despite the crankiness he's still a much more familiar ride for me than Cody. I still don't know all the tricks Cody has up his sleeve so he's a little scary to ride. Axel is pretty consistant and easy to sway. Everyone said he looked really good though. He was moving out (for Axel) and seemed to be feeling good, maybe too good!
I took another really crappy video on my cell phone of the girls trotting around us. Axel was desperate for some grass I wouldn't let him have so you get to see him struggle a bit.
When we returned we had the daunting task of deworming our four as Patti's had been done the night prior. Steph took the honors, thank goodness, I was not up for another fight. Kiko, Kalani, and Axel were fine as usual. Cody put up a fuss. How he knows we are coming at him with dewormer is beyond me. She was finally able to administer it by sticking her finger in his mouth for a while and he relaxed and she was able to shove the wormer in. So it looks like I'll be putting my fingers in his mouth every time I go out there from now on.
When all the dramatics from that were over we tried Cody's new boots on him. I was under strict orders to not let him walk in them as Jeff wants to be there to video tape the hilarity. So we just wrapped his feet in saran wrap so we could make sure they fit without getting them dirty in case we had to return them. His toes are really long right now but they seem to still fit so I think we're good on sizing. Naturally next week we'll be out there the night before the farrier, great timing. Expect some much better video quality of Cody walking around goofy in his new boots for the first time. They look pretty snazzy and everyone was impressed by the easy of getting them on him. I think Jeff might also be taping Kiko and Kalani who are both going to be going up for sale soon.
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