The ride from the stretchy gate to the bridge was ok. Then Axel trotted down the hill right before the bridge giving Meg a good baseline for what was to come. Most of the ride was Oly in front, Axel in the middle, followed up by Cody. Axel was not his usual slow boring self. Cody was doing just okay for a while. Somewhere in the woods Cody decided he was only going to half pass the rest of the trip and Axel was getting annoyed at Oly. Neither Cody nor Oly would actually walk more than two steps before trying to trot. At one point Axel passed Oly, tried to kick him. Cody joined in on the fun and they both just attacked Oly and ran him into a tree with Tricia aboard. Cody found some new really fabulous dance moves that involved a little spin, just enough to get me off balance, and then a step in the other direction. He was pretty darn close to loosing me a few times with that new technique. He also brought out this really great vertical canter. Think piaffe, but canter not trot. In addition if Axel was behind him he decided to try and kick him the whole time.
When we finally got out of the woods into the clearing we went about our little schooling circles and then things calmed down, at least for Cody. Axel had been showing a bit of bucking on the trail, down the little hill and what not. While trotting on the circle he kept bucking, slightly larger bucks for Axel but still not too bad, Meg sat them just fine and circled him each time to let him know she wasn't going to stand for it. When he just wouldn't stop testing her Tricia got on and circled him several times. Trying to keep it nice and easy since he's out of shape and just off being lame. He, however, had different ideas, going anywhere from offering a canter on the correct lead, framing up and lifting his back, interfering front to back (something the short stepping Axel never does), bucking a bit, grinding on the bit, and executing trot to walk transitions perfectly. I can't even begin to explain what he might have been thinking. Perhaps over his vacation he forgot how to be lazy? Time will tell.
Once we bounced our way home, Meg rode Oly in the round pen for a while and I took Cody over to Tricia's trailer to see where he was at with that whole thing. He started out blowing at the trailer quite a bit, but put his nose on it. We did a few circles, which were not calm at all, and then tried to see how close we could get. Driving him forward he would only get right up the trailer but wouldn't step in. As soon as I stepped in he put both front feet in the trailer, quite willingly even. So I stopped right there, backed him out and we went back to the herd to get turned out. Next time we'll go for 4 feet. Granted we've done this before and he's fine for practice but not when we want to go somewhere. If we have time we'll put him in, drive down the road and back, and turn him out.
One of the next experiments is to take just Cody and Axel, or Cody and Kalani out on the trail. Eliminate the Oly factor and see how Cody does with Kiko. I feel bad since I know Cody doesn't like direct reining but when he's acting like a total fool it's really hard to let him have his head on a loose rein. I'm slowly getting better but I think he needs to start giving a little back as well before I'll feel confident about neck reining him. I have to say we are quite the misfits when we go riding. Cody is in a black dressage saddle, brown hunter breast collar, western headstall with rope reins. I'm in brown boots and half chaps, tan breeches, and black helmet and gloves. Axel was in a brown western saddle, brown english bridle, and blue bell boots on his hind feet. Soon we'll add black hoof boots for Cody, at least if we go where it's rocky, probably don't need the boots for the back hill, it's all grass. The boots are so funny, unfortunately they came after I was at the barn so I haven't had a chance to try them on him. He's going to hate me even more.
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