Monday, September 21, 2009

Murphy's Law

This is Axel's pathetic face cuz his foot hurts and he doesn't want me to keep the cold hose on it.

Did J not just say that Axel looked like he was trotting well? Did I not just say it was time that Axel started working more? Got a call this afternoon from J that Axel was 3-legged lame. Limping around with that back left foot in the air. I thought we were doing pretty good. I hadn't gotten a call from this barn at all yet and Axel had been pretty sound for a year or so. My assumption is that he either kicked himself while I was riding or sometime in the pasture. Either way he was hurting pretty bad. J gave him some bute at noon and I gave him some more at 3:30 and when I came back at 6 he was still sore. So hopefully after a couple days of bute he'll start to feel better. There's not a lot we can do for him except for bute. That's all the vet would suggest save for some serious surgical alternatives. So we'll just keep up with the pain killers til the inflammation dies down. After limping across the drive way yet still trying to eat grass the whole way I hosed off his foot for a while, trying to help with the pain and any swelling with cold water. Axel wasn't terribly happy about that though. I might have to get an ice wrap for occasions such as this. I can't make it out to the barn tomorrow I don't think so hopefully he only improves between now and Wednesday.

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