The horses ended up with a whole week off after the big trail ride. Jeff went out to drop off the trailer last Wednesday and confirmed that both horses were still alive but that was about it. We stopped by Friday to get the trailer to take it home to the farm and I checked on both horses but my back was having some issues so it was a quick visit with just a little scratch here and there. In the end the pickup brakes were stuck so we didn't bring the trailer back after all.
Jeff had to work on Sunday so we were back in town early and my back was just about 100% normal so I spent some time at the barn. I wanted to try out a low back pad on Cody to see if that's something I should buy for him. He's not totally swayback but his withers are so high and he's lost a bit of topline so his saddle isn't in the most ideal place on his back. Hopefully the low back pad will help keep everything even and comfortable. Unfortunately he was feeling a bit off on the lunge, not to mention he's been way lazy lately. So after walking around in both directions and a little bit of reluctant trot I got on for a few minutes of loose rein walking just to try out the saddle pad. From what I could tell he was just generally stiff/sore. Though his feet are pretty chipped up already so that could be the culprit also.
Axel, on the other hand, was feeling pretty darned good. He wouldn't lunge at the walk, immediately went into a trot. Not the nicest trot but a trot nonetheless. Even struck out in a canter in both directions when asked, only kept it up for a few strides but there was no bucking or nonsense. So it's back to work for poor Axel. He's been slacking for too long. We trotted, and trotted, and trotted. We probably didn't trot for an obnoxious amount of time but since everyone's getting their winter coats he was sweaty. We did some circles and even some figure-8s without breaking out of the trot. J said he looked pretty good from what she could tell. He didn't feel all that great but it's good to know he looked good. He was generally just bumpy and uneven, his usual MO. But he hasn't had to work for a long time so we'll just keep going. I'll have to look for some advice on how to get his trot a little more free flowing. If only he'd figure out that a nice trot is better for his leg not to mention his back (without me bouncing around on it). He's forgotten some of his backing up lesson from the cattle clinic so we'll have to keep working on that one as well. Ideally if he can remain sound at the walk and trot I'd love to get to a schooling show next year. I don't want to take him if he looks lame even if it's just how he is, probably not the best to show up at a show riding a lame horse. And even if he lacks a bit of energy if he can get a nicer trot we should have some fun at a dressage show.
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