Tuesday, February 02, 2010


Well well it seems as if blogger is getting rid of FTP which means this blog is going to have to move. Which in the end is fine since it's just in a sub folder on one of my existing domains. It could use a domain of it's own. I assume blogger will assist in the redirects so hopefully if there's anyone actually reading this blog they will be forwarded. I'm not sure how it'll work for RSS feeds. Sounds like this will start happening the week of Feb. 22 so keep an eye out if I go missing and you wonder where I am.

Axel's Knee in a fancy mosaic

In other news, I still think Axel's knee is ever so slowly feeling better. The collage is from the past few photos I've taken, most recent on the left. He's not sound by any means but he's peppier and he just about ran me over on his way up to the barn last night. He's still gimpy in the arena but maybe just a little less gimpy? It's hard to tell for sure. He was actually in kind of an obnoxious mood last night. He booked it up to the barn nearly leaving me in the dust and he was trying to bite me in the arena. Not sure what that's about. I'm hoping when this knee thing gets better we can start working off some of his energy and hay belly.

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