Monday, November 23, 2009

Axel is on The List Part 2

Axel not chasing Vinnie

So after Saturday's visit and discovery of Axel's new obsession I went out to the barn to make him work. Maybe he's bored since he's had quite a bit of time off due to the ringbone. So I was going to attempt to get his brain working. He actually stood in the cross ties like a statue. Which is a little unusual for him but one of the new boarders' horses was in the ties behind him so perhaps he was just paying attention to that horse.

We did some circling. This time no was not an option when I asked for a change of direction. He "hopped to" pretty well. I did a little bit of groundwork with turns but nothing mind blowing. I setup a row of cones to work on weaving as well. Axel was a little bit tender it seemed so I didn't really do much trotting. We weaved between the cones quite a bit at the walk which I think Axel enjoys but I don't think it was enough to get his brain going, so back to the drawing board on that one. Nothing was majorly off with Axel, I think most of it was me.

I am increasingly frustrated and embarrassed with him destroying his pasture. Between Friday and Saturday he ate complete through two of the posts. I didn't even go to the barn yesterday so who knows how much more he's ruined. I'm willing to pay for new fence posts but it's still a pain and they'll have to be put in and all that. Ug. It doesn't help that I'm kind of an obsessive to begin with.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Axel is on The List Part 1

Cody and Axel's rear

I have Fridays off for the rest of the year to use up some vacation time so I don't loose it. So of course I'm going to spend it at the barn. Is that really any surprise? It was really nice out so I spent a little time wandering around the pasture taking some photos of the ponies. Vinnie and Axel were standing pretty near each other and there were no fireworks. So that's always nice to see. Since I had ridden Axel last it was Cody's turn. And he needed to be groomed pretty badly. Somehow my horse that doesn't like walking through mud has decided rolling in it is just fine.

So Cody and I worked on weaving some cones in the arena and we did some circles and serpentines. He speeds up on the wall opposite the gate going away from the gate. And then he slows down going toward the gate. Seems a little opposite of what you'd expect but I think he's nervous facing away from the gate and calm when he can see it. When I get some long lines I think we'll be doing a lot of ground driving and long lining this winter. I'd like to convince Jeff to ride while I lunge Cody but we'll see if that happens.

Axel's damage

So as I'm turning Cody out I noticed the fence posts that J said Axel was chewing. I thought maybe he was chewing the tops. Oh no, he's doing a pretty mean beaver imitation. And now I am horribly frustrated, stressed out, and embarrassed by all this.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Axel Prefers Guns

The newly formed three amigos hang out hiding from gun shots.

So apparently the key to Axel's success is shooting guns. J was target shooting or sighting in or something when I got to the barn last night. Axel and Cody and Vinnie were hanging out in the corner. Three of the horses in the other pasture were hiding in their far corner. Axel was a little more alert than he normally is walking up to the barn. He didn't want to stand in the cross ties to be groomed so instead of fighting I put him in the arena. Where he trotted, and trotted, and trotted. He would barely stand still for me to put his boots on even after he had trotted around for 15 minutes. I ran around with him for a little while and even set up a tiny little jump for him which he followed me over at a trot. When he started to come up to me and stand for a while I finished grooming and tacked him up. I didn't expect to have any explosive episodes but one never knows.

The gun shots had actually stopped by this time but Axel was still walking around on his toes. He had already trotted for quite some time and he seemed a little gimpy so I just had him walk. He was moving out so I did my best to not nag him and just let him go. I don't think I rode for very long. I asked for a whoa and a back up and Axel was "on." He stopped on a dime and backed up with barely a cue and tucked his butt under and put his head down in the process. So we tried that one more time and got the same result. So that's when I got off. He was just too good to not reward. This is why people prefer forward horses to sticky ones.

Monday, November 16, 2009

New Saddle Racks

new saddle racks in tack room

I made it back from my scrapbooking retreat in time to get out to the barn for a while in the nice weather. Really I'm not sure why it matters if the weather is nice or not when I end up just riding in the arena anyway. Oh well. When I arrived I noticed the tack boxes were outside in the driveway. I thought maybe they were new ones to be added or spring cleaning or something. But it turns out J&J picked up a couple racks from the sale they went to over the weekend so they cleaned out everyone's boxes and reorganized the tack room.

new saddle racks in tack room

It's quite swank thought it means I had to cut down on the crap I had shoved in my box. Something I planned to do eventually anyway. Right now I'm down to my saddle and pads on the rack, my cooler got hung up with the other coolers in the aisle, bridles and halters and lunge line on the hooks, grooming tote on the shelf, and my orange bucket with bute, treats, boots, and my dressage whip. I was thinking of getting a bin or something instead but the bucket might work just fine. We'll see.

So I cleaned up Axel while Steele was in the aisle getting ready as well. His rain rot doesn't seem to be getting any worse and I was able to scrape off almost all of the remaining scabs with the metal curry. I'm not sure if it's from the rain rot or just dirt in general but that metal curry really brings some crap to the top. Guess I should use that more often. The mud has finally disappeared more or less so cleaning legs and hooves wasn't a chore either. We didn't spend a lot of time in the arena riding. We usually end up chatting more. When J and Steele were done we did a bit of trotting. Axel was pretty sound actually. I asked for a canter but just got the usual hop, skip, jump, and stop. I have a hard time deciding just how hard to push him or not. Will he be sore the next day? Will the exercise be better for him than just standing around? Does it matter if we ease into it or not? Ug.

I cleaned up Cody when I was done with Axel. His scabs weren't coming off as easily so I thought I'd wait til after we rode and maybe he'd be warmer and they'd be easier to remove. I gave him a bit of his extra food but saved the rest for after our ride. He's got a little cut on the left side of his lower lip. He wouldn't really let me look at it but it didn't seem to be bothering him and it wasn't in a spot to interfere with a bit. So we rode around the arena for a while. He wasn't as excitable as he has been in the arena but he wasn't a complete bump on a log either. We trotted and I asked for the canter. Still having issues with that left lead. I'm starting to feel okay enough to keep asking him to keep the canter going even if he speeds off. I think I want to work on maintaining the gait and when we have that down we'll work on relaxing more and not zooming around. We did make it around maybe one and a half times without stopping. We followed it up with some roll backs on the rail. He's not quite rocking back on his hind quarters but he picks up the canter and stops on a dime. It's really nice knowing he'll go really fast but stop when you ask. So when we were done he got the rest of his food and I ended up getting most of his scabs off while he grazed in the yard.

The real news of the day was that Vinnie and Axel have come to some sort of truce. When I was haltering Axel, Vinnie walked right up to us, not afraid or hesitant at all. Axel didn't even put an ear back and normally something like me haltering him would not have stopped him from chasing another horse, he's not very respectful in that way. So apparently Axel is warming up to little Vinnie. When I brought Cody back out from the arena Axel and Vinnie were standing next to each other. I wish I would have gotten a photo. J says to keep an eye out to make sure Vinnie's not eating their tails but I don't think they are that good of friends yet. I'll be surprised if they ever get to that point.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dirty Ponies

Cody and Vinnie hang out

It's been so nice out lately I was able to groom the horses outside in the fresh air. And luckily I made it to the barn before it got dark making that task possible. I gave Cody some extra food while I took care of Axel. Cody even let Vinnie share some of his feed. Axel's rain rot doesn't seem to be getting any worse. It's hard to tell if it's going away or not but I think a full week of no rain and sun and the chlorhexidine should be working. After I groomed him I scrubbed some of his "spots" again just to make sure.

Axel sneaks some grass

Cody's rain rot wasn't as bad to begin with so I didn't do anything more to him. Most of his scabs are gone and he hasn't lost any patches of hair. I figured he was going to be a big crusty mess after all the sweating on Sunday but he wasn't that bad. It'd be great if we had some heated water to do baths but they are just going to have to wait until next summer. Dirty ponies.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Thank You "Beery" Much!

I was going to scrub some horses last night but the yard is stacked with leaves so they trumped the mud and rain rot. Wednesday, I promise! But I did run out and drop off a case of beer as a "thank you for the heroic rescue of 3 stranded trail riders, their horses, and the trailer." J said she was just glad to help but I figure who can't use an extra case of beer, right? I grabbed my grooming bag with the intent to sterilize all the brushes, when I'm going to get a chance to do that before tomorrow, I'm not sure.

I checked on the muddy horses' backs and the rain rot isn't gone gone but it doesn't seem to be getting any worse and Axel hasn't gained any new bald spots. It's not a trip to the barn with out passing around some snacks so I brought out 3 apples. Vinnie got his first as he was waiting by the gate. He eats very daintily so I shooed away Axel while he finished his apple. Cody got his next and Axel sulked in the corner until he got his. He's still chasing Vinnie around but Vinnie is starting to fight back a little. They have a sheet on him to help protect him from loosing chunks of hair and skin. Axel has done a pretty decent job ripping the blanket to shreds and it's a heavy duty New Zealand canvas sheet. But it might be giving Vinnie enough courage to throw some kicks in Axel's direction. If he'd make contact one of these times maybe Axel would settle down a bit.

Fall Trail Ride in November


I finally made it out for a fall trail ride now that November is acting like October. I missed the few nice weekends in October when the barn went riding so I was very happy to make it out to what could be the last nice ride of the year. We actually rushed out of church on Sunday after spending Saturday farming and high tailed it back to the cities. Jeff wanted to bring the brown pickup back so he could get the trailer back to the farm on the next trip so I twisted his arm into letting me use the truck and pull the trailer for the trail ride. Otherwise we were one slot short. So against Jeff's better judgement he hooked up the trailer for me and sent me on my way.

Cody loaded well, just a few little stops, and we still have to kind of poke and push him into moving in the stall enough to shut the gate. Stitch and Diva got in no problems and we were on our way. The haul there went well and everyone unloaded. Cody wasn't even sweaty when we got there. I had put his boots on before we left which worked out well so all I had to do was saddle him up. I put some chlorhexidine on his spine and rubbed that in before saddling. Since the rain rot bacteria is anaerobic I figured it would be very happy to grow under a saddle. Hopefully it didn't with the anti-bacterial on there. I forgot the breast collar of course so I was riding Cody's tail by the end of the ride as usual.


Cody was slow as usual at first, having to trot to catch up. It didn't take long before he was a sweaty mess with the warm temps, full winter coat, and trotting. He did seem less concerned about his feet so that was good. He didn't really want to walk next to Vinnie, he seemed to want to be up with either Danny or Stitch if he wasn't lagging behind. We passed a ton of other horses and Cody behaved pretty well when they passed. Mostly I think he wanted to turn around and follow them back to the trailer. A couple times I thought we'd canter but he'd just speed trot. We did get one tiny canter/gallop in a clear spot when Stitch and Diva were cantering. I'd love to get a nicer calm canter on Cody like Diva's someday.

On the way back Cody was a lot more concerned with staying up with the group. The others had slowed down so it wasn't quite as much work to keep up but we had to trot a bit still. Cody was very happy when we got back to the trailer and everyone stopped. He was pleased to stand there and watch what was going on.


Everyone loaded back in the trailer well. A few less pokes that time to get Cody in his stall. And then we were off down the road. About a block from the intersection in Rosemont we found ourselves on the side of the road with a major blown out truck tire. I had noticed it looked low at the trail but didn't think much of it and there wasn't much we could have done about it at that point. We hadn't even passed a gas station when we had to pull over. We heard a loud crunching noise and I assumed it was the brakes. Then it dawned on me that it was the wheel. So stuck on the side of Hwy 3 with a trailer full of horses and no truck spare (we hadn't gotten that far in our repair/set up of the horse hauling rig). We made some calls and couldn't find anyone with a spare so J&J drove out with their truck to get the horses and trailer. Jeff came out from work to assess the situation and pull the truck off to an empty parking lot.

We zipped back to the barn and unloaded everyone and everything. Cody did his new usual slooooooow unload and was happy to be back in his pasture with Axel who was chasing Vinnie around.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Rain Rot Ick

cody waits til I don't have a lot of time to be absolutely caked in mud.

I just stopped out at the barn to clean up the horses before we ran out to the farm for the weekend. Axel wasn't too dirty but I wanted to get some scabs off and put some chlorhexidine on the rain rot and hopefully kill it. I tried putting MTG in a spray bottle but I think it's just too thick so now I'll have to transfer it back to it's original bottle (glad I kept it). It didn't smell nearly as bad as everyone says it does but it isn't pleasant. Since I had the anti-bacterial stuff I was just going to use the MTG to help loosen the scabs which I tried to brush off with a metal curry. I got quite a few off but it was taking quite some time so I just finished with the scrub and turned him out.

Cody was covered in mud so I had to de-mud him the best I could. I'm happy that he enjoys having his face scrubbed with the rubber curry, that says a lot coming from a horse that was previous super head-shy. He didn't have quite as many scabs and they were mostly right on his spine or his rear so I just scrubbed him with the chlorhexidine in the hopes that it would get better before Sunday.

This day light saving time thing is a real bummer. I couldn't even see Axel in the pasture it was so dark. I could barely make out Cody's white face. I guess I need a flashlight for this time of year. When I went to get Cody I stopped just short of some serious wet mud without knowing it. Cody sunk in it when he came up to me. Ick.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Axel's Bumps Part II

Axel and the moon

I didn't have a lot of time yesterday so I just ran out to do some grooming and make sure everyone still had all their limbs since it had been a week. It was a pretty good day for just grooming as the wind had picked up and it was a bit chilly. Though I'm still trying to figure out if Axel's bumps are bug bites or rain rot. Axel was covered in mud which took me a good half hour to get scrubbed off and he still looks dirty. He's been wearing his hay on his face so he has a wonderful green dusty tint to him. If it's as warm as they say it will be this weekend I might have to break down and do baths (especially if it is rain rot).

Weird scabs that both Cody and Axel have

Nothing terribly goofy about the boys, Axel has 3 scrapes which I assume are from rubbing on something. The winter hair seems to come out in bigger clumps than summer hair and it's that much more obvious when it does come out. Axel got his treat and some MSM which he was happy about, he knickered the whole time I was in the tack room getting it ready. Cody got his extra food while I groomed Axel. Cody's bumps are mostly along his spine while Axel's are in more places and on his rump. Cody didn't have any scrapes though but he had equal amounts of mud. He seems to have gained enough weight to cover his ribs but his back is still pretty hollow. I suppose he'll need to do some work on his topline to ever get that back in shape.

Cody poses by the moon

I should be staying in town this weekend and it's supposed to be nice so I'll probably be spending a fair amount of time at the barn. Supposedly a trail ride on Sunday. Maybe I'll do some baths on Saturday and try and scrub some of the scabs off. I'll have time to stand around waiting for the horses to dry with their coolers on at least. Though I can imagine if I do give baths they aren't going to be too great with cold water. (note to self, install heated wash stall in own barn when it's built)