Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Getting on Cody's Good Side

Loose rein = happy Cody
I made it back out to the barn over lunch last week and went for another ride on Cody. This time I threw on the western saddle to inspire me and I concentrated on riding with a loose rein. Cody was very happy about that. Things went really well. He did offer some cantering when I asked for a trot and he still can't get that left lead. Frankly he just doesn't like left at all, even bending on the circle to the left he's not happy about. And he still gets pretty amped up if you do ask him for a canter. I lunged him after I got off, to the left, to try and get that lead. It took him a while first picking up the wrong lead, then disuniting, before finally getting it correct. We'll have to keep working on the left. I'd really like to have a trainer/instructor come out, ride him and figure out his buttons and then give me a handful of lessons at neck reining. I think we'd both really benefit from it. Maybe that's where my bonus from work will go if I can find someone good.
It's too hard to stand up
I brought Axel in for a while as well and got his legs all clipped up. He has a bit of scratches already but it's not too horrible. I *think* it won't be too bad this year since there's no snow. Hopefully the paddock will dry up quickly.

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