Friday, June 29, 2012

A Little Catch Up

June 13:
Ahh yeah, that's the ticket
First time for me and Cody down the road with Steele. It went really well! The secret ingredient is Steele. So at least it's nice to know it wasn't me that was the problem! Hah. He was totally perfect, we went down the road to the drainage ditch and then took that up to the tree line and then over to the other gravel road and back. And it was windy. It's just bizarre how good he is with Steele around.

June 19:
Who is that masked man?
Down the road with Steele again. Cody was a little lazy and really wanted to snack the whole way but that would be the extent of my complaints. He did as good as the last time with Steele. Goofy horse and his BFFs.

June 26:
4 boots
Another calm ride for Cody and Steele up to the cow past the tree and back (how's that for landmarks). I put the old boots on Cody's back feet. They seem a tiny bit big maybe in width so I don't think a smaller boot would work. Maybe if we put the gel pads in there it'll snug them up a bit. But they stayed on and didn't seem to clunk around too much. While he didn't run and frolick on the gravel he did walk out faster than I've seen him go in a while. He stuck to the edge of the road and I think he was just expecting it to hurt on the gravel. So maybe a few more trips and he'll figure it out. After the airport he caught up with Steele and stayed with him pretty good for most the way. We had a big trot up the road toward the tree, it's funny how the horses know tree = snack in the ditch and possibly turning around, that's why we went up to the cow past the tree. Also Cody somehow snuck out of the fly mask without undoing the velcro. Luckily he must have lost it fairly recently, I found it out by where they stand and it wasn't burried in the mud or anything. Heh.

Pushing a barrel

Lunch with Axel today. He needed some attention. And wow does he look sound. I.will.not.ride.Axel. I keep having to tell myself that. Not riding won't make him worse if he's on the mend. But riding him could make him worse. If he's still coming up sound next spring then I might un-retire him and see how he does. (I'm not holding my breath). Maybe he had an injury and it wasn't just arthritis? Ahh who knows. He definitely has some arthritis in his stifles, he has a heck of a time stretching for the farrier, something we should really be working on.

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