Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hot hot hot

Warm but nice day for a ride
Had another mellow ride down the road with Steele and Cody. Once again Cody had his fly mask off. This new one is tough to get on so he can't remove it for some reason. We went with 4 hoof boots again this ride and it seems like Cody is maybe starting to realize that his feet don't hurt on gravel any more. The first time he was still hesitant to walk on the road but he seemed a little more willing this time around. We made an attempt to go down the drainage ditch but were forced to turn around when the farmer was out spraying. We turned around and trotted out of there while the tractor caught up with us. He was moving fast! So we just went down to the intersection and then headed north for a half mile. These mellow rides are so nice, I just wish we could get out on a trail sometime. We just made it back to the barn as it was really heating up. Might be a while before I get out and ride again if this weather keeps up. Yucko.

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