Monday, April 25, 2011

New Pasture

New pasture, new friends

The boys have been moved to a new pasture for a while. J&J are hoping to get something done about the massive bog that seems to be growing in their original pasture and until then they thought it'd be better to move them. This pasture doesn't look a whole lot better as far as mud but I'm pretty sure it dries out a lot quicker than the one they were in. If the weather gets bad they will go back in their original pasture with a shelter until J has a chance to make a new shelter. Needless to say Cody is very happy having some new neighbors to talk to, one of which is a mare.

Cody doesn't waste time making new friends

Ironically he was giving Dolly the "hey baby" knicker and she walked away to go visit with Axel. Axel could care less and was more concerned that there was a little bit of grass for him to try and eat. Cody and Logan seem to be keeping close company but that might just be competition.

Axel visits with Dolly

Axel's legs aren't worse but they aren't better yet. I'm not really getting my hopes up for a while since it's been raining and is supposed to rain a bunch more this coming week. Until we see some sun I've just been brushing off the dry mud and any scabs that want to come with and then putting as much MTG on him as possible. I *think* that's at least keeping the scabs from getting too huge, I think it loosens them up a bit so they fall off on their own. And hopefully it's keeping the mud fever from spreading up his leg too far.

So far I have about 1/4 of a horse again (the rest being buffalo). His neck has shed down to shiny black hair. Now if only the rest of him would follow. And it looks like his belly/swelling is starting to go away and his sheath is almost normal sized. Pretty soon he's going to look like the fancy black horse again.

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