Thursday, September 26, 2013

Back in Town

I haven't been out to the farm in a few weeks now.  Last weekend Jeff and Daniel went without me and I went scrapbooking.  I guess the goats and the cattle went back to their regular homes and the fence needed to come down so Cody, Axel, and Haji needed to leave their summer vacation home and head back to town.  Jeff didn't think I'd approve of putting the horses in the stock trailer (actually that's not a problem, but whatever) so he and his nephew hand walked the three horses back to town.  Just a mile but juggling three horses between the two of them must have been entertaining to see.  The three don't exactly have the same pace.  In fact Haji, the oldest and shortest of them all, walks way faster than everyone else.

But they are back in their regular home and the round bale feeder has been set up.  No word yet on if they put out a round bale and if they got the slow feed net on it (hoping they don't put out the bale without it). I guess the inlaws can't quite figure out why I would put a net over the bale though I've explained how much it saves in waste alone, hopefully they'll take my word for it.

In bad news, it appears I've been dumped by my new farrier.  He cancelled our appointment a couple weeks ago and never called back to reschedule.  I've left him several messages with no response.  The neighbors don't need any work done so I'm on my own.  But it happens that someone I know that used to live in the cities now lives 30 minutes from Canby.  She trims her own horses.  So if I can learn to pull Cody's shoes, she's gonna hopefully come out next time I'm there and trim the boys for me.  Perhaps she can school me a bit and I can do it myself eventually.  And I'm hoping Cody stays sound without shoes.  I still have hoof boots he can wear for riding if he isn't sore in the pasture this year.

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