Monday, September 09, 2013

Work with Booker

We've been taking a few weeks off from running and riding since it's been so hot.  We've done a little work in the arena in the mean time and have been just trying to get to the bottom of all of Booker's ins and outs.  Seems perhaps his saddle doesn't fit him quite right or at the very least doesn't fit me so when I ride him it's quite unbalanced.  We've also figured out that we really want to get him going and  (more importantly) stopping in a regular snaffle over the winter.  That coupled with his still slightly sore front end and small arena will make for some work getting him in shape.  But we'll keep chugging away, he's going to be a great horse.  Thinking also a chiropractor visit might be beneficial as well.

His wound is healing up nicely.  Still doing a couple cleanings a week just to make sure we keep things on track.  We've done a little work desensitizing him and have some more ideas for stuff to do with him on that.  And N and I attended a shoot on Labor day and spoke with some mounted shooters about getting started in the sport.  This week we actually have a lesson scheduled where we'll bring Booker and see how he does with the gunfire.  We'll also do some shooting practice, riding practice, and shooting and riding practice.  We'll borrow one of their horses as well.  It'll be interesting to see how Booker does not only with the gunfire but just with going to a different arena.  Hoping we can convince him that he's not a game horse any more and he can just be calm until told otherwise.

Stay tuned!

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