Tuesday, May 02, 2006

No Dressage Tonight

We cancelled our dressage lesson tonight but I decided to go for a visit anyways. I went straight from work and didn't have an barn clothes so I ended up just putting my coveralls and muck boots on. Muck boots are not good when its warm out. I groomed both of the boys. They're both still shedding. Axel is all splotchy and Cody still has long hairs on his belly and chin. It seems like they'll never be sleak again. Since it rained all weekend the paddock is once again a mud pit. And to make matters worse, the bugs are out already. I rode Axel around the pasture bareback for a while and then I groomed Beau for a bit. We let the horses out in the font pasture for a while before dinner. They were pretty happy to be eating some grass. I think in the next few days they'll be turned out in the back pasture. Hopefully we waited long enough this year.

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