Wednesday, September 09, 2009

What got into you?

one crazy horse and one not quite as crazy horse tonight. Don't let their demeanor fool you.

I ran out to the barn quick last night just to check on the horses and make sure no one had done anything stupid over the long weekend. I dropped off a bag of feed for Cody to have a little extra every once in a while. The horses thought I was there for feeding time when they heard me in the feed room.

I gave Cody a scoop of the senior feed as I was grooming him. Boy does he make a mess when he eats. No wonder he's a little thin, food all over the floor. I just did a little lunging in the arena to make sure he was feeling good. He was a little feisty mostly just when asked to move faster than a turtle. I jumped on bareback for a while and just rode around with the halter and lead rope. Cody's a difficult horse to sit on bareback right now. He's thinner so there's less "body" under your legs and you kind of wobble around easier. We did a little trotting and some backing up which went well. Our turns on the forehand and haunches still lack ... a lot.

Axel followed me to the barn limping the whole way when it was his turn. I was hoping it was just a stone in his hoof and thank goodness I was right. When I asked Axel to lunge he started out at a decent walk, sped up, started trotting, then cantering, then completely galloping and bucking and farting and acting like an idiot. Same reaction on the other side. Mind you I only asked for a walk. I un hooked my lunge line and clucked at him once and he was off around the arena like a bat out of hell. It was at this point that my previous thought of giving him some bute so he wouldn't be sore for the cattle clinic left my mind. When he finally stopped he was huffing and puffing. I jumped on him bareback and rode around at the walk. I'm hesitant to ask for a trot bareback since I haven't worked him a lot lately and he mostly likely buck. So we just walked around, tried some bending, backing, turns, checked our brakes. Nothing spectacular.

So everyone seemed in decent condition, hopefully they have remained that way today. Though I could probably borrow one of A's horses if someone turned up lame. Cow clinic tonight!

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