Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lazy Cody

Cody makes a mess

I convinced B to come down after work and go for a ride down the road last night. Cody got his extra dinner which he spilled all over the ground and had to clean up. I might have to start feeding him in a wide tub he doesn't spill any when he's picking it up one piece at a time from the ground. I grabbed Diva out of the pasture for B and I fed Axel a bit of Cody's food with some MSM thrown in. MSM must taste pretty good, he licks the bucket clean.

When I was done grooming Cody I lunged him a bit in the arena while I was waiting for B. This time I just stuck with the 12' lead and did some circles and changing directions. He picked up the pace after a few times of making him change but he was still pretty lazy.

I decided since Diva was on the mend that Cody would go out sans boots and we'd stick to the ditch (secretly hoping for a canter). So we ended up riding the whole drainage ditch between the corn fields. I still plan to get out there and run a bit one of these days. Now we've seen the footing the whole way, it's not too bad, a few big rocks that are easy to avoid and very few holes. Cody was pretty tough to keep moving, he kept pretty far behind Diva and we had to trot to keep up. I'm thinking it might be time for the chiropractor visit again. And there's always the dentist and sheath cleaning. Expensive ponies.

When we came to the end of the corn field we went up the road a ways and stopped by a small herd of fresian crosses. Cody was a little quicker on the way home but I wasn't having to hold him back at all. We ended up chatting for a while in aisle while Cody and Diva sniffed each other politely and stood patiently.

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