Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Farrier Day

We had a WCR staff meeting right after the farrier so I was only able to stay for a few minutes and chat. Both boys had their feet done in what seemed like record time. J even said "they're done already?" But when they just get a trim it doesn't take very long. Axel has a semi concerning crack and everyone's feet are so dry lately. Cody had his toes completely chipped off. I think I might have to pick up one of those rider's rasps and see how that works to keep their feet nicer between trims. We chatted a bit about putting the horses on cattle and how J wants to get a couple calves to have at the barn.

When I first drove up I noticed Cody wasn't wearing his fly mask. There were a couple lumps in the pasture upon further inspection turned out to be his mask. In two pieces. He completely ripped the nose piece off. I think I can fix it but now that it's getting to be fall I think he'll be okay for the rest of the year in the sun burn category. Clearly he doesn't want to wear the mask any more.

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