Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

They really wanted some christmas treats

We stopped out to the barn on Christmas Eve morning to check on the boys and deliver some carrots for a holiday treat. I hadn't been out there in over a week and it showed. The horse's manes are a mess. It's going to take me forever to get them detangled.

I noticed as we drove up that Axel looked exceptionally lumpy. But since he's so hairy I thought it was probably just puffy winter fur. Of course I was wrong. His boy parts are all swollen and he has some big swollen lumps on his belly. We brought him into the barn to check him out. His attitude was the same as always, he was happy to eat carrots, and he was happy to eat the feed and benedryl we gave him. He went right for the water fountain when we turned him back out and he was very willing to chase down Jeff in the pasture to try and get more treats. So he's feeling okay just really puffy.

Axel's lumps and swelling

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