Thursday, December 31, 2009

Still Puffy

Axel is still puffy

Made a trip out to the barn to check on Axel post vet visit. No changes yet in his swelling. I brought him into the arena to walk him around. He wasn't all wound up like he was when the vet was here. I didn't have to force him to walk but he wasn't booking it around at all. His foot was a little sore so I ended up giving him some bute with some feed. He ate most of it but he doesn't like the apple flavor and turned him nose up at the rest. I'll have to get some non flavored bute next time. As far as I could tell there was no change at all, better or worse, with his lumps so it's a waiting game.

Cody is looking fit now that he has a round bale.

I brought Cody in for a while as well to see if he wanted to kick up his heels at all in the arena. He trotted around for a while if I clicked at him and bucked a little but he wasn't terribly riled up. He's looking really good though, he stretched out his back while trotting and his razor blade withers all but disappeared. It's about time I get him back to work. I figure I'll get him moving around the arena a bit for a few days then start riding again. It's supposed to get pretty cold for a while so we'll wait til it warms up a bit.

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