Sunday, December 13, 2009

Round Bales

The ponies have a round bale now.

We made it back from the farm with the intention of going to a film festival. Unfortunately Jeff thought it started at 5 and in reality it started at 3. So when that went out the window I went out to the barn to check on the horses. It has been -5F in Canby so the 16F at the barn felt like a heat wave, for a few minutes at least.

The three amigos were still in their pasture together. Cody and Vinnie were hanging out by the round bale and Axel was standing off by himself. That's right, a round bale. Apparently the horses were all eating their hay so fast and then standing around being bored so J decided they needed some round bales. A had suggested getting a round bale to deter the wood chewing but J said they had already spent a bunch of money on all the small squares for winter and didn't want to get more. But in the end the small squares aren't going anywhere and now they'll be there for next spring when hay is harder to find. Cody is looking pretty good and the free choice hay will really help him.

Axel, on the other hand, is going to be a fat fat horse. But like I said, he was off standing by himself not eating, I thought maybe his foot was hurting. I grabbed his halter and went out to get him. Luckily he wasn't lame, just lazy. Very very lazy. I just put him in the arena and left him loose while I groomed. He didn't even want to run around at all. He walked a bit and sniffed at various things on the ground but that was about it. I lunged him for a quick few minutes just to get him moving a bit. Just a bit of trotting and no bucking. I tried to give him some carrots while doing some tricks but he always gets my fingers. I guess I don't learn my lesson very well.

When I was done with Axel I grabbed Cody and brought him in the arena as well. He seems to be filling out a bit finally. You can just feel his ribs if you look for them. He was a little more willing to lunge than Axel was and even gave a few feisty hops when asked to change directions. We even managed some sidepassing at the wall in one direction.

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