Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Better Late then Never

I'm thinking it's time to bite the bullet and pay for a chiropractor for cranky pants.

Axel is still gimping around on his front knee. I lunged him for a bit in the arena to get him moving. He ran around a bit kicking up his heels.

J was riding Dolly in the arena when I tacked up Cody and got on to ride. He was sort of okay for the most part until we turned to go to the left. Unfortunately we didn't go left until we had already been going for a while so I'm not sure if it was the act of going left or just the time frame that upset Cody. He wouldn't stay on the rail, would counter bend all over, wanted to stop, was just plain hard to control. We had spent a little time trying to work on some lateral work so then when he was being a pain tracking left he'd spontaneously swing his rear end like he was trying to sidepass even though I wasn't asking. When J was done riding I made the mistake of asking Cody to canter which was just a good excuse for him to bulldoze around the arena. I am looking forward to when he stops being a pain in the rear, that's for sure.

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