Friday, May 18, 2012


The boys
So I made it out yesterday at lunch in hopes I would avoid the heat. Holy wind, Batman! Walking through that wooded lane there was next to impossible. And then of course the horses were all at the opposite end of the pasture. So I had a nice walk. I would have jumped on Cody bareback but there was nothing to boost me up ;) I had considered just riding in the empty pasture but not with that wind. I was lazy so I just rode in the arena for 20 minutes or so bareback. We just worked on leg yielding from the quarter line to the rail. It wasn't great but it was a place to start. Found one tick on the underside of Cody's tail. I also found a lot of scabs under there. Poor guy, the ticks must be gnawing away at him and falling off before we see them. I think it's pretty typical for him, I recall combing through grown out scabs in his tail before. And he's not exactly the happiest camper when someone is digging around back there. No ticks on Axel that I noticed. And I gave both horses their vaccines so everyone should be set for a while now. I guess the good thing about the wind was it was keeping the flies away.

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